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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. This is what I want for my Sterling. I drive at night so there's nothing to see anyway and besides, I have cruise control so I don't need to see until it's turned off.
  2. That's "Kelvinator" to you!
  3. Just realized I should sometimes see if I have any. Now you need to check yours.
  4. Ug LeCar
  5. I had an uncle that owned one and I don't remember him having anything bad to say about it, but that was a long time ago. I did a little research after posting that. Symmetrical door skins, that seems like a good idea.
  6. I grew up on Long Island and spent a lot of time riding with my Dad around the northeast, so I saw them quite a bit. I remember the tractors were green and had spokes, but were they dressed up somehow? pinstripes maybe?
  7. Somebody stop me.
  8. Here's a two-fer. An ugly car and an ugly boat all in one.
  9. I think this was a repaint but I remember Gilchrist/Queensway. Didn't their trailers have a big yellow crown on them?
  10. Wear your thongs backwards and direct your "poop-nis" to either side of the "A" pillar. Problem solved. I call this photo "The best of both Worlds"
  11. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  12. Was this before or after you bought the Pinto? If before, it might explain why you did it. If after, you may be confusing the after effects of shock treatment to Post-Pinto-Purchase-Plague. Every Pinto owner has experienced similar symptoms to some extent. Tell me, does it hurt when I do this?....
  13. That's it, keep posting, let it all out. Admitting you owned a Pinto is the first step to recovery. The fact that yours was lime green might make the journey more difficult, but as they say "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger". I will say they you have probably had the most excitement in a Pinto aside from those that were involved in rear-end collisions. I wasn't singling out Pintos they were just the first model that came to mind. I was 11 in late '73 when the '74's from the "Big Three" starting appearing in showrooms and I also went to Auto Show '74 at Madison Square Garden. I had nightmares for a month. I dreamt I was being chased by a Godzilla-like creature with 5 mph bumpers covering his mouth and arse. Can you imagine how traumatizing that is for an 11 year old? Several years of therapy (including shock treatments) followed and I was eventually able to "take it to the next level" by staring straight into the grill of a '74 Maverick.
  14. You have a crowding issue? I'm thinking about renting out some of my unused square footage. The DM in the original post seems to have been repowered also. Am I correct in ass-u-ming it came from from the factory with a 325 Maxidyne and a tranny other than an RT-910?
  15. When you take one out, the other one is left.Sorry
  16. That was a pleasant surprise, I was expecting the worst when I saw the title.
  17. I thought I posted this already but couldn't find anything in the search. This is a website for modellers that has probably thousands of scans of brochures that are used for reference. The Mack folder is one of the largest and there are several scans of articles and "Tractor/Dump Truck/Fleet of the Month" winners. Just scroll down the left column to see the various folders. If you're a first time visitor, pack a change of clothes and a toothbrush before visiting this site. You're gonna be there a while. http://public.fotki.com/modeltrucks25thscale/
  18. For making your fellow BMT members throw-up in their respective mouths? I don't think so.
  19. Apparently I've searched for this truck in the past, not my pic however: http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/217-caddilac-mack/
  20. That sounds like "Cadillac Mack". I've seen him on the OH turnpike and I'm pretty sure the truck has been discussed on here.
  21. I found Hatcity's picture but couldn't get it to show. I'll give you a clue-I think the contest is over......
  22. I like the GM's from the 50's and 60's, but they're not as indestructible as everyone thinks. Have you seen this video? I could probably come up with several uglies, but I'll start with anything from 1974 when manufacturers had to tack on those 5 mph bumpers to existing models. Much worse than the front bumpers in '73.
  23. Here's another nice Mack I came across a few years ago. I had forgotten about these pics until this past week when I saw this truck bobtailing south on I-79 in WV. The Owner/Operator rebuilt this truck himself and said he was surprised at how many people appreciated seeing in old R model in such nice shape. IIRC, I was in a bit of a hurry so I just grabbed a few exterior shots while he sat in the truck. The interior was grey but the dashboard had the woodgrain finish like the tan interiors had. It was a sharp combo.
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