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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. I see. The reason I used those U & F as examples was because they were in production at the same time as the B model.
  2. The T2050 with 4.64 rears would have a 2.78 final drive ratio. The EM7-275 was a 1800 rpm motor. Not comparing trucks here by any means, just the numbers!
  3. That's what the CH I posted earlier would do (on paper, that is). It had the T2050, 4.64 rears, and 11x22.5 tires.
  4. It's about damn time they came up with a new slogan to replace "I (heart) NY". Awesome. We have dash cams recording forward only which I can deal with, but now it's way to easy for my liking to "upgrade" to the interior cameras.
  5. Did he let ya drive his Coronado? It has a Detroit in it!
  6. Do you know if the B and R always had their own unique colors of if there was possibly and overlap during the model transition period. I'm curious which shade of green would've been used on a '62 F model or a '65 U model.
  7. Someone knew the garbage truck was going to turn and head down their street, so they took the time to make a short video because they knew that there are people like us that would actually enjoy seeing that.
  8. That shouldn't be too long of a wait . BTW if it's D1790, have the body shop do a full detail in & out, rims included. I'm sure Pitt won't mind...
  9. The Conway forum on Truckingboards has some discussion on these. One example is where a driver was written up because he happened to hit a bump (which activates the camera) while taking a bite out of a sandwich. The morons that come up with this crap are gonna have to rethink their policies if they want anyone to come work for their sorry-ass companies.
  10. I wonder if Ford's market share for mid-sized pickups will return to it's previous levels since consumers have had more than 3 years to become attached to different brands. For many that will translate to "text while in traffic, text while on the highway, text while cruising the Kmart parking lot looking for a spot, and take the other car to the bar."
  11. That remains to be seen but I think it will depend on the officer. Some are dicks regardless of the circumstances but most have been looking at paper logs their entire careers so it's really not that difficult for them to continue for a little while longer. If the driver has his ducks in a row and attitude in check, I think it's likely they won't have an issue. I also think that most carriers will be pro-active about getting on board when faced with a deadline to ensure they have their act together on time. They do have a new potential source of income with the e-logs to make up for what will likely be a drop in HOS violations. All e-log users are required to carry a user guide for whatever hardware is installed in their trucks, mine is just a one page pamphlet. I suspect that through lack of communication and/or carelessness many drivers will not have these to produce when needed. I have been asked to produce the pamphlet both times I've been "pulled around back" since on e-logs. I hope I'm not giving the impression that I'm in support of all this crap. While e-logs have made my life a bit simpler, I think they are bad overall for the industry and have serious doubts that the roads will be safer as a result of them becoming mandatory. I'm just trying look objectively at an issue that affects me and that I have absolutely no control over. My biggest pet peeve is with the interior cameras that record the drivers actions. That is absolute bullshit and the one thing that will have me seriously considering finding another way to finish out my working years.
  12. It just pisses me off when people destroy stuff. I've seen probably 100 or more broken vents in cars and trucks that I've been in. How the hell does that even happen?!
  13. Shuttles and teams are an option for long haul but not practical in segments such as auto transport where a good portion of the day is on-duty, not driving. A 14 hour day might consist of only 6-7 hours of drive time. IMO, the winners in the short term will be the companies that choose to stick with paper logs until required by law to switch to e-logs, at which time the playing field will be level again. Until then, the paper log companies will have the competitive edge since they will be able to accomplish more in less time or with fewer trucks and drivers. I'm not sure there will be any winners when e-logs become mandatory, only different degrees of losers.
  14. Etch A Sketch did wonders for Mitt Romney.
  15. Is that a Canadian spread on the drives of those 2 or are my eyes growing further apart?
  16. Has he mentioned anything about how productivity will suffer? You brought up a good point in another post about having to end the day early to reduce the chances of running out of hours with nowhere to stay. His bottom line is also going to take a hit.
  17. The direction the industry is heading makes aging not seem so bad. I don't want to do anything for a living but drive a truck but If I were in my 20's or 30's I'd have to come up with an alternate plan for when the BS finally got to be more than I was willing to put up with.
  18. That's interesting. Pitt Ohio's Pinnacles appear to be "Mack Red" but I think they are actually a shade darker. When a bumper or hood is replaced you can see a very slight difference in color and when compared, it's the replacement parts that appear to be the true "Mack Red". I seriously doubt Pitt Ohio is spec'ing it's own custom color from the factory, especially so close to the standard color, but I guess it's possible.
  19. According to the urine test you're a sheep and you're pregnant, so congratulations. Your fingerprints on the other hand, belong to former Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa Sr. Based on this info, I have determined that you are one of the most upstanding people I know. It is with great honor and substantial reservation that I confirm your friend request.
  20. Is that a Mini or a Baby? When I was a kid someone in the neighborhood had a '57 Nomad (if that's the 2 door wagon). It was two-tone white and metallic orange. Beautiful car and still think of it whenever I see that color.
  21. That's unacceptable behavior for a child, let alone an adult.
  22. They were around for long time. I used to see them loading bananas at the piers when I was a kid. They ran a rented IH Transtar with the name "Banana Transfer, Lynbrook, NY" on the doors.
  23. No need for a power window on the passenger door either!
  24. What are Medium and Small going to do when Large has to be in the passenger seat at all times and Extra Small is the only one who can drive? You might wanna hold out for something a bit for stable, like an R model
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