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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Based on my personal experience, I would encourage any kid to follow their heart first when choosing a career, whether it's a skilled trade, maybe business management, or even politics. Just work hard and be at the top of your game. Enjoying what you do for a living is a great feeling.
  2. http://nypost.com/2014/08/14/hard-partying-banana-mogul-admits-supplying-cocaine-that-killed-woman/
  3. Is Mack green a combination of two colors or did the color change at some point?
  4. That two-tone paint and your choice of colors looks great on there.
  5. I was referring to the 2-pedal version which is what was in the '05 I drove. It would have been nice to have a clutch when backing.
  6. It's the end users that turn good things into bad things. Exactly. Anything can be dangerous if the user does not have common sense.
  7. Thanks, I didn't know many of their names. As soon as I get the results back from the background check and toxicology report, I'll give you the green light too.
  8. That's a Long Island Banana Truck next to the U. I wonder how that business is doing since the whole mistress, cocaine, death thing took place.
  9. When I was a kid, I would have had no problem sitting on the spare tire in the back of the '61 Rambler wagon for 5 hours to see such a huge collection of Macks. I would've been a cranky little sob on the way home, however.
  10. Were really not a social bunch, either. I may not be one make a call, but my phone wasn't ringing either.
  11. Beautiful truck, love the color. Someone will have to chime in regarding the engine, but I do have some experience with the Eaton UltraShift if that's what you have. The one I drove was very difficult to use during slow maneuvers, especially backing. The clutches would engage at a higher rpm than one should be at when backing, so iw ould have to "power brake" to hold the speed down. You might do better than I did once you get the hang of it since this is your daily driver while I only drove one sporadically. Either way, best of luck with the new ride and welcome to the forum.
  12. It's definitely serving it's purpose for me. Within the first 2 hours I talked to my sisters in MN and Japan, cousins in NY and NC, and nieces in OR and Japan. I'm not one to want to spend a lot of time on the phone and as a result I don't speak to family members for months at a time. At 52, I'm the youngest of my generation with the oldest in her late 60's. FB will help to prevent me from being in a situation in the future where I wish I would have kept in contact when I had the chance.
  13. It does look good. Someone on here is really into U models, but I don't remember who.
  14. Defazio was all over the NYC metro area back then.
  15. Interesting info. I'll mostly be on there to connect with family and some friends so most of that stuff won't matter to me.
  16. I think I fixed it.
  17. They told me the check's in the mail.
  18. Prolly something in my settings. My 2 resident Facebook pros apparently have better things to do on a Saturday night than watch the old man make an ass of himself on social media. I sent you a request.
  19. My main reason for joining was to maintain better contact with my siblings and cousins who are literally in all four corners of the US, also a sister in Japan. All the other cool stuff is a huge bonus.
  20. ....I opened a Facebook account today. Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be my...uh...Facebook friend. http://www.facebook.com/jim.folsom.35
  21. Her bigger sister is standing on the other side of Tom's truck.
  22. It's all the stupid crap that some drivers are pulling these days that is bringing all this about. Morons who tailgate, speed excessively, and text are not going to change their habits so a new way of overcoming the hazards they create is necessary. Common sense is a apparently out of the question.
  23. The accident happened at the corner of Moosic St. and S. Orange Ave. Mr. Sesky lived on S. Orange.
  24. Hope you're feeling better. I cut my hair every 2 weeks. I'm always sick but it's worth it to not have to carry a comb. I dodged the snow bullet by running the Ohio Turnpike Thursday night. Go figger. I'd like to deliver a load for your driver in the KW if she ever breaks down, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Thanks for sharing your POTW!
  25. Thanks for posting the shots from your TV. I tried doing some research on this a few years back but the only photo I could find was from a newspaper article and it was similar to the middle shot of yours. I read that the truck in the accident was owned by an outside carrier, but Halem Hazzouri had a "banana yellow" 200 series single axle that I'd seen a few times in Port Newark. It had black pinstriping, their name on the door in black script, and was sharp and well kept. This would have been around 1973-74.
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