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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. If you go with a standard panel some of the gauges that are off to the right will be duplicated. That panel on the right is there because those gauges were "evicted" due to the amount of space needed for the tachograph, which is much larger than the standard speedometer.
  2. A few years ago, I was detoured into a residential neighborhood to get around a large structure fire. I eased my way through with several wires riding the top of the trailer as I passed under. One wire somehow got caught on a burr or something and was down as soon as the slightest bit of tension was put to it. Turned out to be the cable tv for a day care in one of the houses. About 1/2 a dozen or so preschoolers that will hate truckers for the rest of their lives.
  3. Sorry your plans for the 300 fell through....in a good way!
  4. I'd put on a tutu and high heels and prance around whistling "Dixie" if it would take me back in time and put me in the crowd with the "300"s.
  5. There's been talk on here of the 300 running hotter but I don't remember anyone having any other complaints. Somewhere in the wiki is a breakdown of model production numbers but you would have to total the number of various 685, 686, 785, and 786's to get a rough idea. The 237 will have higher numbers because of the longer production run, but I'd like to see how the numbers would match up had the 300 been introduced along side the 237 back in the 60's.
  6. All nice looking rigs, gentlemen. I can't the recall the last time I saw 4 pieces of earth moving equipment at once and all had good tires.
  7. Hmmm......I guess I should consider updating my wardrobe.
  8. Alrighty then. I was was thinking at least mid-60's for the 855's.
  9. Good eye, I didn't notice the protruding radiator at that angle. Were the Cummin's 855 cubes back then? I thought the early big motors were 743 c.i.'s, even the 335.
  10. So, "Mack Bulldog Magazine Cover" is the subject title of the thread where the Mack Bulldog Magazine Cover can be found. I'm gonna have to write that down this time.
  11. This was posted here, I believe by Farmer52, but I don't remember the name of the thread:
  12. Nice! I like the blue R model and that B model would be a good buddy for one to have.
  13. You situation addresses the concerns that I brought up. You may have already seen this but here's a small scale test from a manufacturer. It looks like the initial surge is still there but the liquid settles quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcmsTtxSKQA
  14. Congratulations! The Bulldog on there arrives on the scene a few minutes ahead of the driver. The one on the Pinnacle I drive is so close to the windshield I can almost smell his butt.
  15. "Not recommended for agitating wettable powder solutions or for tanks requiring complete washout when switching chemical solutions" According to the equation they provided, an 8000 gallon tank would require 600 of them?? That's 1200 pounds in payload lost. Plus you have the washout issue and some customers might not want them swimming around in their product. I'm curious if they will catch on.
  16. The pre-2012 election comments aren't as funny today as they were back then. On topic: our Mdrives do not go into neutral when the brakes are set.
  17. Dammit. That looks like a neat truck.
  18. You'll be begging me to take those wheels back the first time you go to comb your hair in the mirror finish and see my image staring back at you. Also, you might wanna keep your old DPF as a backup. There's no way you got a new one off a Pitt Ohio truck.
  19. I believe the NTC-350 was the first to have the intercooler in the early 70's, but it was used on smaller engines in later years, such as the NTC-300.
  20. Years ago there were several truck stops along I-80 where a driver could "get a little trim". Tough neighborhood. I went inside to pull off 1 skid and when I came back out I noticed my air fairings and one of my rear axles were gone. The thieves were thoughtful enough however, to throw some steel rims on there after stealing the aluminums so I could at least make it back to the terminal. They also stole the DEF tank and the DPF, so I think Pitt Ohio actually benefited from the whole ordeal.
  21. Happy Birthday! LOL, I was also surprised by his age.
  22. You definitely have life by the balls! Best of Luck!
  23. Wow!. It's always good to see R models still working but I'd rather see this one go to a collector.
  24. Excellent. Thanks for researching this.
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