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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. I don't watch the tach or speedo at every up/downshift but when the truck was new I did want to familiarize myself with how it responded at various shift points. For that I used the gauges.
  2. I believe the tolerance increases with size. A slight difference in the circumference between the larger units is less noticeable to the naked eye. Besides, WHO CARES, THEY'RE HUGE!
  3. I'm outta likes, too. I enjoy looking at classic truck brochures.
  4. See if you can find a larger scanner for Mr. Maikshilo while you're on there. I'll chip in. She looks familiar, btw. A famous actress??
  5. Your GPS must be cold. The lines are all squiggly.
  6. Will the real Jim Williams please stand up. That's a neat article and if it has been posted before I'm sure I'm not the only one that missed it, so thanks for the possible re-post. I see they used a 10 speed overdrive but blocked out 1st through 4th on the high side. I guess they just wanted overdrive in top gear to offset the required 4.63 axle. Being a Maxidyne they would've otherwise gone with a 5 speed. Could that be the same 6 speed tranny that was discussed on here recently or was this one unique to this application?
  7. Good info.
  8. LOL. I had a b&w version of that poster above my bed for years when I was a kid. I think it was what got me thinking that maybe girls ain't so yucky after all.
  9. I'd say that look also worked for Raquel Welch. Hey Now!
  10. "Here's what's on the lowboy". I saw that title and was in such a hurry to click on it, I think I smoked my mouse.
  11. We still have all the children's books from when the girls were young, most of which I can still recite to this day.
  12. Excellent! Too bad I can't like it twice.
  13. I knew all the other stuff but never seen the penny. That's a neat way of displaying it.
  14. Oh, that's a hat. I thought you had a Joe Dirt thing going on. Believe you me, I ain't worried about making a fashion statement in this weather either.
  15. That's it for the POTW? Some broad with Oreo's? Edit: Found the rest of the pics. Other Dog seems to be thinkin' "WTF!". That narrow band of flurries on I-64 was moving through the area at about 62 mph. How's come your 10 degree tarping suit doesn't include a hat? Too bad about that that driver losing his bumper, but then again.... Thanks for the pics. As always you seem to just take in stride whatever is thrown at you.
  16. I used to drive a truck just like that!....sort of.....
  17. They don't need a set, they don't need a cast. Easy money, cashing in on the past.
  18. Welcome! That's a couple of nice rides you have there.
  19. Exactly. It's not as if they were buying R models and ordering half 237's and half 300's. The adjustments a relatively simple and can be changed as needed.
  20. No posting pics until the photographer is thanked. Sorry, I came here directly from the Dr. Suess thread.
  21. My employer takes advantage of the trucks software to improve fuel economy but like many fleets, all trucks are programmed the same. I don't think the one size fits all approach works when half the fleet logs most of its miles in hilly terrain and the other half operates in areas that are flat for the most part. Since all tractors are based at a specific terminal and return home at the end of each shift, I'm curious if region/terminal specific settings would help overall fuel economy.
  22. Welcome!
  23. Not to sound negative, but it sounds like a scam. They won't be getting any of my green eggs and ham.
  24. "Become A Regular" lol,
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