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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Pitt Ohio cancelled line haul out of Charleston, Roanoke, and Richmond last night.
  2. Nice! I'm gonna have to start leaving my BBQ tools laying around and see if one of those magically appears.
  3. Looks like we get a break on Saturday then another week of single digit lows. This global warming is tough on everybody.
  4. I think the owner should consider keeping it in his pants...er...garage for the winter. http://www.weather.com/news/news/oscar-mayer-wienermobile-crashes-in-pennsylvania
  5. Started snowing here around 5:30. Thanks goodness I'm running east tonight so I won't have to worry about driving out of it.
  6. I wouldn't trust a woman that doesn't wear gloves in that kind of weather.
  7. I didn't know that either.
  8. Sorry to hear this. Condolences to his family and friends.
  9. Nicely done and for an excellent cause.
  10. Is it wrong that I find stories of criminals being wounded by their would-be victims to be heartwarming? I just see that as an occupational hazard.
  11. Triple Crown Services' RoadRailers are a step in that direction but adding power is a whole 'nother story. I guess anything is possible over time. The prototype looks like a joint effort between Mack and Norelco. A bulldog below the windshield would help.
  12. With cameras having not yet been invented, the only way to record history was through written word and crude drawings such as this one of the founding mothers. They were very close. Source: Winfall Historical Archives and Cosmetic Surgery Center.
  13. The history of Winfall dates back to prehistoric times. Two scantily clad women, Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble, were driving through rural Virginia when their feet became calloused to the point that they could drive no further. After sitting on the side of the road for several hours, a local resident by the name of Jedidiah Ulysses Walton Thomas Blackwell drove by in his Ford Stegosaurus pick'em up truck. They were stranded for several more hours and with no one seeming to have time to stop and help, they decided to start a new life in the land of hot sauce and falling planes, To this day the town continues to be a refuge for sexy women who own unreliable cars or simply can't drive.
  14. Sure sounds like she thought things through or someone had a talk with her. It would've been nice if she could've filled you in on the details between bites of the sandwich. She owes you that much.
  15. That's just great. Now there is going to be a bill...uh...no time for that....Obama, via dictatorship order, is going to order auto manufacturers to cease production of manual transmissions. There will also be a recall of all existing manual transmission vehicles so they can be retrofitted with an automatic. We mustn't deter anyone who, rather than sit home and collect welfare, takes it upon themselves to do there part in the redistribution of income.
  16. Some serious equipment there. Who gets to drive the pusher in reverse? Is it based on seniority, or a flip of a coin? The wind chills here the past few days have had our lows down to -15. Too cold too even look out the window as far as I'm concerned but apparently nothing compared to what your dealing with.
  17. Wait for it..........
  18. Going on 26 years for me too. 9/89.
  19. I never saw that one but figured I could not have been the first to think of that.
  20. The local frac-haters posted a couple of comments on another site that have since disappeared. Maybe their own thoughts didn't even make sense to them.
  21. Gotta be careful what you take them with. That's why they print a list of interactions right on the mushroom. You have to look while the mushroom is fresh, however. The list fades after 3 days or so.
  22. You wanna get real messed up? try mushrooms. I ate a Portobello once and had hallucinations for 3 days.
  23. I'd like to see YOU keep it between the lines while stuffing a mattress through the driver's door window. Stuffing the fridge through the sleeper vent was even harder! Thank heavens for cruise control.
  24. This began a few miles from my house. The article implies that he threw a mattress and a refrigerator out the window while he was driving. http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/7779185-74/police-boyer-chase#axzz3RlgM8obG
  25. That bumper looks fantastic! Most of the aftermarket chrome/stainless bumpers for the aero type trucks are actually uglier than the OEM, IMO. Anywho, it just looks right on there.
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