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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. I'd rather see that than have it made into a low rider with those goofy 19' low profile tires with the 1" sidewalls.
  2. A drivetrain that was way ahead of it's time.
  3. That's the epitome of "old iron" right there.
  4. Nice. Pics of the R & F models in the 300 promotional attire are rare.
  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't get too excited over the Super Bowl. I had it on but mostly for some ambient noise while I did other stuff. I did watch the last few minutes which were pretty exciting, but unfortunately the team that was just busted for cheating won.
  6. What happened next? Was there good old-fashioned brawl or did the two of you leave the bar?
  7. I can vouch for that. We have 750's at work and the cab was not meant to have an air suspension seat. I'm 5'8" and when the seat has the proper amount of air my head is only about 2" from the ceiling. All's well until you hit that first bump and jamb your neck. Also, the parking brake valve is in an awkward location at the bottom of the dashboard, behind the shifter. There are no practical locations for it. If Ford wants to use one cab for all light and medium duty trucks then why not design a medium duty cab that can be used on a 1/2 pickup as well?
  8. The boom was up: http://triblive.com/neighborhoods/yourallekiskivalley/yourallekiskivalleymore/7675649-74/road-onto-bridge#axzz3QSGjW9Uq
  9. Time out! Those are from an era when all cars were cool! Times have certainly changed from the days when woodgrain was a status symbol.
  10. Fortunately no was seriously injured or killed. I'm not a fan of using natural gas to power a motor vehicle either, regardless of the benefits. Accidents, mechanical failures, and human error can have devastating consequences well beyond what we already have to worry about with traditional fuels. I saw them in Harmarville last time I was there. I counted 7 Cascadias but could be more. We were told they had a 300 mile range and there was one filling station in the entire Pittsburgh area that could accommodate large trucks.
  11. The cab hasn't changed much in the last 30 years or more.
  12. I've never been bothered by the stigma associated with station wagons and minivans. You can't beat them for practicality and besides, there are plenty of other things about me that make me a dork. My vehicle is just a small part of the equation.
  13. Some time in the mid-90's,I paid $250 for an '81 or '83 wagon to use as a work car. I can't remember the year or whether it was a Plymouth or a Dodge. It was the longest 6 months of my life. The actual figure is not known because most of the members wish to remain anonymous.
  14. I feel a high pressure system coming on.
  15. The u-turn geniuses were probably scratching their heads when they looked out the driver's window and saw the trailer tires turning in reverse when they were driving forward.
  16. He did not die in vain.
  17. Our 3" last night was a bust. Had to break out the Toro push broom to clean the sidewalk, driveway was wet but we got down to 30 last night so patches of ice here and there. More expected today but temps will be above freezing. I hope you folks out east catch a break and get the minimum predicted also.
  18. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  19. Welcome back. Sorry to hear of your woes, sounds like your bouncing back pretty good. Were you driving a Sterling car carrier back then?
  20. not necessarily for something you'd want to be known for but you will definitely be one of the best well known local contractors in town!
  21. When my Dad worked for Banana Distributors they hired a guy to letter the 5 trailers they had at the time. Big letters that took up the whole side of the trailer. I think he may have been homeless because he was local but slept in the building at night. Then again, in that neighborhood it could've been a case of self preservation if he was working until dusk. He put an S on the end of "Point" for Hunts Point Ave and they just left it that way.
  22. Welcome! Nice shot of the B61 doing it's thing.
  23. I was thinking that maybe it was too soon for a book but it's been 11 years already since the last Legend rolled off the line. Then again, the R model in general was a legend in it's own time and, in part due to it's longer production run, has made a bigger mark on history than the B model. I'd say a book should've already been out by the early 80's.
  24. Love the classic lettering and shadow. That is art. This, on the other hand, is not art.
  25. I've brought that up. I have never driven a dump truck but it seems that for someone that does on a regular basis would also notice the unusual amount of light coming through the back window. I wonder if it's a distraction issue because, like those who will let a GPS unit do the thinking for them, these incidents seem to be happening more frequently.
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