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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Well said. I don't know what the problem is. With all the technology at their disposal,the best these so-called forecasters can do these days is about 60% accuracy on whether or not it's going to snow, let alone how much. We're expecting <1"-6".
  2. Wow. There's a title I would never expect to read on a computer! God Bless 'em. Chong in a tutu was hard to stomach almost 40 years ago and in an altered state of mind. Thanks for not sharing a current photo.
  3. ....That's just the cold hard truth.
  4. Nice work getting that trailer up on the curb, assuming he didn't hit the building.
  5. It happens from time to time because have a large group on here. Sometimes we stray off topic but things always get back on track when needed.
  6. We've had several at work that have had sensors replaced. Some had the gauges pegged and others shut down because of false low pressure readings. Maybe just a coincidence on the timing. Two of our '15's at work had sensors go about 2 weeks apart. One had around 100k miles on it and the one I drive had 89k on it.
  7. Pics are dark but it looks like it would clean up nice. I think it has a turbo. Good thing the gif. is handy for when Vinny sees it.
  8. First you have Pictures of the Week and now U-turn of the Day! Unfortunately there's prolly an abundance of big truck U-turn fail photos out there. These types incidents seem to be happening more often these days also:
  9. Braggart! All of us here were young at one time too, ya know!
  10. I wonder how much weight made it up to that 20k front axle with the tank sitting way back yonder. Anyone know why it was spec'd with such a long wheelbase and the space between the cab and tank? I see the roof vent was deleted at the factory and the tach doesn't have an hours indicator. You can tell it was Gov't owned because the radio was removed to provide a hole for a toggle switch.
  11. Your m's went off my screen and into the next room. I hope you have more to spare......
  12. I think they found a way to get the truck in OD's pic out of that U-turn.
  13. It beats calling a wrecker...I guess. Git-R-Done!
  14. Like the cable/dish companies, they're still making a killing off the ones that don't complain. I called to cancel my XM after about 6 months of equipment issues. They acknowledged that none of it was my fault and quickly sent replacements, but I'd had enough. Right off the bat I was offered a new radio (car kit included), and 50% my subscription for the year. By the end of the conversation I prolly could've have had an exec position at the company if I pushed hard enough. It was too late, I signed up for Slacker Radio and iheart on my phone and haven't looked back.
  15. Seriously, the road was blocked for less than 20 seconds. They're lucky (insert training company of choice) wasn't pushing a 53 footer into that yard.
  16. Sure, the price of fuel drops so lets go after some of the increased profits trucking companies are seeing.
  17. It's becoming near impossible to bag a real damn butcher these days, let alone any form of wildlife. The only way many of these folks in butcher smocks get any blood on them is if the package leaks when they take it out of the box.
  18. Toro should hire you as a spokesperson. You seem to have a clear understanding of what consumers are thinking.
  19. http://www.chipfoose.com/ws_display.asp?filter=Press_Releases_Detail&item_id=%7B1F91AE75-76E6-4C1F-99FD-1F1C31F9A58A%7D I wish I had the skill, patience, and resources of the folks on these shows. Of course the names of my builds wouldn't be as exciting: "Stock Mack", "Stock Brockway", "Stock Autocar".....
  20. If I knew that DOT officer was waiting up the road for me I'd pull off to the side and start busting marker lights with a hammer. The black Pinnacle is beautiful! I prefer the slightly toned down look of that one to a Rawhide. Be sure to bring your Puss N Boots face when trying to convince the boss why he needs to buy it for you.
  21. Swift has had 1760 reportable accidents in the 24 month period ending 12/11/14. FMCSA does not provide rating info to the public but they have 17989 tractors which, according to my calculusitrations, means that 1 in 10 trucks in there fleet has been involved in a DOT reportable crash in the past 2 years. That might actually translate into a not too bad rating.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. If that were an old VW Beetle it would start right up.
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