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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Would all 686's have the tip turbine or did they still use the 86 designation for later 300 equipped R models with the charge air cooler?
  2. There's absolutely no mistaking the Winfall grocery store for a Wal*Mart.
  3. I saw 3 vehicles being searched on 2 nights this week. One was a Vette, t-tops off and cop's butt hanging over the window ledge.
  4. Nice story. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.
  5. 10 speed.
  6. I accepted his request simply because I'm in desperate need of friends. The fact that it's someone I actually know is a bonus.
  7. Glad to hear you're doing better and strictly following the doctor's orders....you are, correct?
  8. One of the '14 trucks where I work had an issue with the radio that caused the lightning bolt to come on, so it does go through the computer. I'm not surprised by the price either. The one I drive. also a '14, has am/fm/cd and satellite. I'm not sure why they wouldn't have the same radio for a '12 at the dealer.
  9. 13 double over, not a 15 speed.
  10. Part of what makes him a threat to the nation's well being is that he actually believes his own bullshit.
  11. And American regulations. This is disturbing but not surprising. I once found a dolphin in a bag of onions. Damn nets.
  12. I guess I'll be heading to Winfall for next year's turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!
  13. Those buildings just southwest of your arrow are the municipal bldg, police dept, social hall, etc. They're laying pipe (heh heh) on Rte 837. That's prolly a storage lot for the project.
  14. There were a bunch of city tractors where I work that had 5.02 rears. These were single axle CH's with T2050 5 speeds (same .60 in top gear as a T2060) and were governed at 62 mph. RPM's were about 1700 IIRC.
  15. It's 2.2 miles from the Baird Ave pole to my house. Did you deliver to the Carroll Township municipal bldg? I can't imagine what else would be down there requiring a load of pipe.
  16. I guess even a big square hood is no guarantee there won't be any unwelcome visitors in the cab. Best wishes for the driver.
  17. The F looks good in work clothes and that's one helluva nice storage trailer! Some of the crap I drag around makes me glad I work at night.
  18. Good to hear it didn't result in any expense or downtime. I nailed my 7th in 4 years Thursday night. That dog is getting a new bumper and radiator.
  19. I don't see any earth shattering innovations there. All or most of these services are currently offered (and issues addressed) by their competitors in LTL market. Con Way was not a poorly run company, either. I'm interested in seeing how this will pan out for the former Con Way Freight and it's employees.
  20. What's worse than having to hit a runaway truck ramp? Rolling over just when you thought your day couldn't get any worse.
  21. The small cab and limited choice of configurations have been issues for years and I'm sure I'm not alone in my suspicions about why Volvo has done nothing to at least freshen up Mack's product line. With Mack now on a level playing field with other brands as far as durability and reliability, there's nothing that sets it apart from the rest. About 95% of all highway tractors purchased by my employer since 2010 have been Mack Pinnacles. There is about a dozen or so Internationals and Freightliners and several hundred Macks. Last year, they bought 6 CNG powered Freightliner Cascadia's and while drivers gave a thumbs down to the performance, they all liked the ride and comfort of the FL cab. Currently there are 14 new diesel powered Cascadias at the Pittsburgh terminal waiting to be put into service, with not a Mack in sight.
  22. :thumb:
  23. Yep, not enough dash visible in the exterior pics. I see a 5 speed shift pattern and a lever under the dash of the newer one. I know those levers were used for a variety of things, just wondering if it could be a Huskiedrive.
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