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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Best wishes for your wife to remain cancer free. On a truck note: love that Bison!
  2. Some guys have all the luck.
  3. I went to a haunted house last night and was chased by a girl with chainsaw, rotting teeth, and green flesh. If only i were single.....
  4. Welcome!
  5. Seriously. Dump their shit in OR, NV, or AZ and let them go get it.
  6. The log trucker is lucky he still has the rubber side down. Nice segue!
  7. And to think I was THIS close to feeling sorry for you.
  8. Welcome! I drive the PA Pike every night and suspect that there are quite a few "salt-free" trucks out there.
  9. I've seen that a lot with the USPS delivering UPS packages. I once tracked a package that went from UPS 20 miles away, to my post office 1.5 miles away, and back to the UPS facility-all in one day. The impact on the climate from shipping my 4 NGK spark plugs was devastating.
  10. It seems to me that the owner of the equipment used in transport should be responsible for offsetting the climate impact of that shipment.What a bunch of BS.
  11. Wow, that is beautiful. It's still a shame about the IRS complex though.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Sorry to here that block has deteriorated over the years.
  14. Those Fruehaufs are classics! Coincidentally, I made 2 trips with my dad from Long Island to the Fruehauf dealer in Kearny, NJ to pick up new trailers when i was a kid. Love those Transtars, too.
  15. Nice classic shot. Any idea on the location? It has a northeast look to it but I believe Piggly-Wiggly was founded in the south.
  16. That's exactly how it happened with me.
  17. I chickened out. Gearhart's and other plans we had for the weekend were mostly weather dependent. Didn't want to chance it.
  18. I thought the '56 had the same cab as the '57-'59. Guess I need to be more observant.. The cosmetic changes for '73 are also noteworthy.
  19. I used to think those were fugly, now I love 'em.
  20. I had a shaft break on a 5 speed and had no idea it happened until I tried to go into 4th and all I found was what felt like a "sideways neutral" between 4th and 5th. I would've expected some sort of "crash, boom, bang" at the very least.
  21. Headline; "A girl looking for something in the trunk of the car gets rear-ended despite being parked several hundred yards from the road."
  22. "300+ Mack engine rated 315hp to the wheels." Has the "to the wheels" theory been debunked or is it still being debated?
  23. Accuweather forecast for Saturday shows rain ending by 1-2 pm.
  24. Yahoo says 60% Friday and 50% Saturday.
  25. Thanks for sharing your photos. As the others have said, get out and practice and it will come to you quickly. Before you know it you'll be wondering why you struggled to begin with.
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