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    Mack Trucks

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  1. Yes eric none is listed for a RD like this alot similar but none for RD. I wonder which one they are using for this. Maybe the CH??
  2. can anyone tell me which bugshield this is on the picture
  3. Does anyone know which bug shield mose people use on the Mack RD model. I looked and everything is for cx models it seems or granites
  4. where do you get these lower bumper extensions like on the truck
  5. The grill i was looking at was on the link i am putting here. If ya scroll down its the one listed for R model Mack. I believe its 499. I just wonder if i could make something like this work? Thanks for your help Dave The link is here scroll down to R Model Grill chrome http://combscustommfg.com/mack_truck_bumpers_and_chrome_parts
  6. I was wondering if a Mack RD800 Grill will fit the RD688 Model. Please if anyone could help me i would greatly appreciate it
  7. Thank you guys soo much. I found them and there ordered. is there a bugshield from another model mack that will work on my RD or not?
  8. ok Thanks alot. I did see them but now that i think about it not sure if they were plastic or metal. I believe metal. Just have to find a place to get them chrome
  9. Hello I have a 2001 Mack RD688. I seen some photos on here of ones who have chrome trim around there square headlights. I was wondering if anyone knows where to get it at. I looked just about everywhere. Also which bug shield would fit mine. I see most of them are for granites and other models. Please help. Thanks in advance for all your help. Daniel
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