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Brian Blaylock

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Everything posted by Brian Blaylock

  1. I likes winter sand
  2. Mike I am from deep southern illinois
  3. Down for a little weekend getaway going home Sunday morning
  4. Just hanging out come down every year at thanksgiving could have talked to you do you remember what we might have talked about
  5. I was just wondering I am in town for the weekend
  6. Anyone here from Nashville Tn?
  7. Does anyone have a picture of a E-9 with a twin turbo set up?
  8. You stated that you have a lot would it be possible to get a 40 ft container to put it in?
  9. Who's rig up tandem is that and where was it located
  10. That is a good looking truck I wonder if they know they spell their name wrong
  11. Welcome to the sight did not mean to sound like a know it all I'm far from it but I have driven and worked on trucks with both 3 and 4 speed spicer aux. transmissions that's how I know the difference just trying to be helpful and someone could have put a 4 speed in a 3 speed case I think they are the same
  12. If the tag on the case is right that is a 3 speed aux. transmission 8035 the 3 means 3 speed a common 4 speed would be 8341 4 meaning 4 speed
  13. L cab with Cummins from factory should be a B-73 or B-77 that is of nothing has been changed
  14. I'm sure if you ask around on here someone has a spare cover they would be willing to let go of
  15. No pictures at this time but yes I might be willing to sell one
  16. New way made a air tag axle that stayed down all the time but you could adjust the amount of weight it carried by raising or lowering air pressure I have 1B-Model with this setup and 1 that I removed it from
  17. I am posting this for a friend sorry no pics 1981 Transtar 2 300 cummins ten speed single axle tractor but has second drive axle to turn back into tandem asking 4500.00 his name is Mike a real standup guy he will tell you straight up about the truck it is in south eastern il if interested give me a call at 812-305-5132 and I will give you his number
  18. Oh ok guess I should have read it closer
  19. I guess I just learned something new I thought a 68 would still be a steel daah
  20. There was a new set listed in the parts for sale section of this website not to long ago
  21. Is this transmission still for sale?
  22. Ernie my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family and I hope all goes well with your son's operation and recovery
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