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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 880joe

  1. I'm going to say that the 380\410 file isn't available for your engine as it didn't come out till the acet series. I'd say put a turbo on it and some bigger injectors and it should perform pretty good for a 12 liter engine. Don't try and compare it to a 15 liter cat or Cummins
  2. I think I'm running a 631gc5173
  3. Smokes some when you shift gears then clears up. No heat issues Probably the best combination to use for every day reliability but If your looking for alot more power and want to play one of the aftermarket is the way to go
  4. I have used them from K&S Diesel,Antrim,and Rochester now I'm running factory mack 460 injectors
  5. I thought that the Heinz posted not to long ago that you could still get them from Mack
  6. I have a late 03 Granite with an AI that has the same water pump set up as his original motor
  7. Joey what are you seeing in the pictures that indicate it's a ccrs and not a ai? Am I not seeing something that you are? It looks to me like it's the original ai that came in it. What am I missing
  8. You might try Powls Speedometer repair Lancaster PA 717 898 2552
  9. I have what you need If you want to call me my # is 417 880 4862 Joey Sherman
  10. No it will be way more headache than it's worth to get the AC engine put in where an AI came out of in my opinion
  11. Looks to me like the old engine is original to the truck etech ai the new engine is etech ac If I'm correct on this it will not be an easy switch completely different wiring and ecm
  12. A ccrs engine may work maybe mackpro can verify If it will or won't
  13. Looks to me like he has an ac engine and needs an ai engine
  14. The vin I posted is single exhaust truck with 48 inch sleeper. I would check with Grand Rock Exhaust out of Painesville OH I bet they can fix you up
  15. Here's the last 8 vin# that should work for the parts list ch613 rw029490 maybe the Heinz can get you the information
  16. I'm pretty sure they are the same I've used used 1's from trucks that I didn't know years of they fit and worked
  17. My experience is that liners leak after pulling heads if you don't redo liner protrusion maybe I've just had bad luck with that. Some on here with more expertise can probably offer better advice
  18. If it were me I'd buy a pistonless in frame kit from PAI you will get everything but new pistons last I checked they were around 1200 dollar it's cheaper than piecing out rings and all the gaskets individually. Get Joey Mack to come check block to see if counter bore needs cut and set liner protrusion. I'm going guess that your liner protrusion will be low I certainly would not put it back together without checking
  19. You will be going from a .60 overdrive to a .78 which will make it slower top end
  20. I don't know if this is true but I hear Pai has a better warranty covers parts and labor
  21. Are the offset cam keys available? Last time I checked they weren't available from Mack or PAI
  22. Where are you located blue DM
  23. A 460 will be an etech 454 were the inline pump engines
  24. 880joe

    2006 CV713

    I didn't think the MP 7 came out till late 07 an 06 would be a E7 etech
  25. Have you checked for boost leaks?
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