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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 880joe

  1. You should try Grand Rock Exhaust they have mack factory exhaust kits I believe I saw on their website in the past.
  2. Not really hard to replace but the screws that holds the light in all twisted off or had to drill out because they were corroded in then had to put nuts on back side. As far as the wiring you have to get a pigtail that fits the light and cut your original end off and splice them together only 3 wires on each side.
  3. I converted one of my CH's to LED I bought mine from mack about 500 each they are all one piece. Another guy on here did one I believe he just put new headlights in and replaced the 9004 bulb with an LED replacement was alot cheaper probably a better way to go as it would be cheaper and easier to replace out on the road if one was to go out. They do make an amazing difference over the old ones.
  4. Are the new CHU's using the same frame as they used on the CHN or did they change them when they went to the CHU? If there is a difference what year did it change?
  5. Are you just needing cores for exchange
  6. If he doesn't still have it I have 1 I would sell
  7. All my CH's do that also I was hoping someone on here had a cure for it.
  8. He could have it ported and ceramic coated that is supposed to help exhaust temperature
  9. As far as the ride and turn radius I really don't know because I haven't drove it I built it for my driver and haven't drove it but he did say it rode better. Not sure if that was do to moving the axle or putting on new springs probably both. As far as the cost around 60000 pretty much rebuilt everything from front bumper to taillights and quite a bit of trial and error on getting the exhaust the way I wanted it so I did end up with extra stuff in the process. I also had the floorboards and sleeper Lizard Skinned and put in extra sound deadner and insulation. New door latches and handles a bunch of new air and fuel lines. Pretty much worked on everything.
  10. Sounds like more trouble than it's worth thanks for the information
  11. The 01 is a reman long block no ecm and would be going in a CH chassis
  12. Can an 01 CCRS engine be put in where a pre CCRS 99 engine came out of or will there be programming issues with it
  13. I would assume all electronic e7 would have cruise control
  14. I have a 93 MH with vmac 1 it has cruise control
  15. It will probably work if you also use the upright pieces that goes on the back of sleeper along with the top piece
  16. The fairings on the Pinnacle flair outward where yours are straight I believe so I don't think they will line up
  17. Yes you would have they are about 500 each but they do work great also
  18. The LED lights that are in the new CHs will fit right in the old CHs but you do have to change the plug in.
  19. I have a set for sale, but shipping them may cost more than they are worth. I have attached a couple pictures. Just let me know if your interested, thanks.
  20. Thanks for the reply
  21. Could a 2006 AC 427 be switched to a 2002 CCRS 427 by switching the front cover,intake and exuast manifold and turbo. If not what else is different?
  22. My 99 CH is about the middle of rear head on left side on the intake manifold
  23. I think I just gave about 150 for some Atro torque rods for my 99 CH with air ride
  24. Are you needing a copy of the 1 on the firewall with the fuses in it or the 1 inside the cab that has all the breakers
  25. There's 6 individual unit pumps on the right hand side of engine
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