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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 880joe

  1. Heres a couple of my superliners.
  2. Started the 24 Mack and took it for a drive today
  3. you might check all your ground wires a bad ground will cause your truck to do odd things
  4. I have been getting my injectors from K&S Diesel out of Schofield WI 800 535 0172 they were around 90 dollars a piece exchange last set I bought, Call and talk to Jason i think they are making 50,75,and 100hp injectors. I also got a set from Antrim Diesel i think they were about 105 each
  5. I talked to Heavy Diesel Tunes 309 781 1587 i think it was around 1500 dollars. I have not tried it yet but i others on here have used them maybe the will chime in on there results
  6. I think you could go to a 355/380 they have the same torque as the 427 then get some upgraded injectors and run your 460 turbo that should be a pretty good running motor then
  7. the block should be the same
  8. I may have what you need if you have not found parts yet. I am about 125 miles from KC
  9. Would any one on here have a vin # from a detroit powered cl . Would a detroit be very much bigger than an E7 they looked close to same size to me
  10. Who owns this truck and what is he asking for it I see it has a for sale sign in the windsield
  11. So if you put an AC cam in an AI engine would that eliminate the need to do an egr delete? Would anything else need to be changed?
  12. Just wondering if they ever put a series 60 in any CL or CH macks
  13. I have a 42" and a 60" flattop both are made for single stack that i would consider selling. My phone number is 417 880 4862 Joey Sherman
  14. Full Tilt will port them and give you flow tests before and after so you can know what the improvement was
  15. There is a place in Jackson MN that did a couple for me the name of the place was Full Tilt 800 225 2147
  16. Are you wanting just the block or complete core
  17. I will try and email you the parts list this week end. With a decent place to work and some good help I think you could do it in 3 days easy. And yes I do still have the 99 I got from you Mike
  18. Fullfuel01 here are a few pictures of my Mack
  19. Will try and get good picture of my truck and post it
  20. your oil pump and pan are the same just need turned around. I didn't spend a lot doing mine but I just shopped around till I found a sfa truck in salvage yard and got my parts cheep.I think it was about 2000 for parts new back in 2011not including hood and bumper. I think I still have parts list and numbers I could fax you
  21. i have done this to a few trucks it"s not that bad of a job to do everything just moves forward 18 inches. You wont need to add battery box to rigt side the air tank moves forward front axle is the same the oil pan needs to be turned around oil pump changed to rear sump. The pieces that bumper bolt to at the frame and top part that shock bolts to are different you will also need the front mud flap hangers and pieces they atach to. If you have any questions you can call me at 417 880 4862 Joey Sherman
  22. i have a cab from a 95 i parted out
  23. I do not have exaust bracket you are needing.
  24. The 1070b is in a superliner that had cab fire i think only thing burned is gear shift nob
  25. one of them is a 1070 and one is a 1070b
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