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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 880joe

  1. The 355/380 is only 100 less pound of torque than the 460. Do you already have the 355/380 ecm?
  2. You should be ok to run the 355/380 ecm. I was told 400hp and under had same cam timing 427 &460 was keyed different their has been others on here that tried the bigger hp without changing cam timing and ran hot also. If it were me I'd put the 460 injectors and turbo and 355/380 ecm and run it
  3. Yes they made 2 stick 12 speeds
  4. I believe it was Brett on that was running a turned up e7 running a blixton tuner then went to a full mechanical pump maybe he will chime in before long
  5. Would a head from a 84 or 85 2 valve e6 be the same?
  6. Yes 15/40 motor oil
  7. Can't say for sure but pretty sure it will fit right in it's just the newer replacement model
  8. Joey I can heip you out with that engine if need me to I'm about 2 hrs from it
  9. 880joe

    Sleeper width

    I can measure mine tomorrow but I would guess about 87 or 88 inches
  10. Was his name Doug Fetterly?
  11. PAI part number for exhaust stud EST-0421
  12. I'll look in pai book tomorrow and get you a part# if someone else doesn't get you one sooner
  13. I just bought a pai exhaust kit today. pai part# 831016 about 230 dollars 12 studs 12 nuts and 6 gaskets
  14. I have an 85 Superliner 2 that has steel front section of frame and aluminum rear section
  15. Sent you a PM or you can call me at 417 880 4862
  16. I've got a couple of 2090's to choose from. I'm from central MO but I've been going to Galesburg area fairly regularly if that's any where close I might be able to deliver
  17. I see no reason that the unit from your RB parts cab wouldn't fit right in your cab. Also you wouldn't happen to have the hood from your RB parts truck?
  18. Possibly the rear cam plug
  19. Vladislav I haven't forgotten you if you hadn't gave up on me
  20. Hard drive is probably supposed to be yard drive
  21. Happy birthday
  22. Check with Winrock Truck Parts in Oliver Springs TN they may be able to help you with programming your new ecm
  23. Would the standard vin that dealer is wanting not going to be a mismatch also? Is this truck a glider originally if not then why would you be able to use a random vin and not the original the new ecm shouldn't have a vin# assigned to it
  24. Why couldn't they use your vin# instead of some random vin#. Seems to me like if they could program it off another vin they could do it off of the original vin
  25. Your probably too far away for me to buy the shipping would probably cost to much but what do you want for it
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