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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 880joe

  1. Not sure when mack came out with top loaded gears but I had a 1918 that had them
  2. Maybe the people on here with more knowledge than Len could help him instead of make fun of him all he was trying to do was help another member on here with a problem
  3. Happy birthday 🎂
  4. Maybe you could just call the previous owners and ask them about the truck the phone number is right on the repair order
  5. You might try Grand Rock Exhaust
  6. Ok I will let you know if they can't find anything close to home
  7. Had two people call in the past week looking for a hood for an RB I told them I would see if anyone on here had an extra one lying around
  8. I don't know for sure but I was told you have to pull codes with a scanner. Maybe someone here with more knowledge on this will let you know
  9. I never did put the new replacement on and try it. It's just a 2500 dollar dirt dobbers home at the moment. I need to get it put on and try it some day when I have a short haul so I'm not changing a turbo in a truckstop parking lot if it doesn't work again.
  10. Mack Museum doesn't deal with anything less than 25 years old
  11. I don't have any real experience but they told me they guarantee capping 3 times and 7 years on the carcass most other just cap 5 years old or less
  12. I believe the Eaton shift knob uses smaller air lines
  13. I don't think they are interchangeable because of the pushrod tube angles
  14. Wasn't there some marine applications producing that kind of power
  15. Mackpro would probably be a good one on this
  16. I believe the last set of mack kingpins I bought were around 500 from mack a couple of years ago
  17. Would it cause problems to just mill .150 off the block or would that effect being able to adjust the valve train
  18. What's the max amount that you can shim the liners to get the proper liner height? I have a block that needs shimmed 160 thousand on 2 liners
  19. Most were just steel no luxurious interior
  20. I would think it would depend on how much weight you're carrying on your drives. Are you carrying 99000 on ten wheeler or pulling 5 axle trailer. I didn't think as far as the actual gear set their was any difference probably just crd 92 & 93 gear sets
  21. I just thought thought the tilted manifold was a superliner thing. I didn't think it mattered what pump I'll look at my superliners and see
  22. I bought a parts motor from a superliner I'll look and see if manifold is there
  23. I've had a couple of 01 visions that were CCRS and a couple that weren't
  24. Being an 01 it could be a CCRS engine that wouldn't require a cam key change and the 400 puts out 1460lbs of torque
  25. I had an 07 CHN with a fuller autoshift that did something similar to what you described the fuse was down by the starter on it
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