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1951 Mack LJ

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1951 Mack LJ last won the day on December 22 2024

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About 1951 Mack LJ

  • Birthday 09/05/1981


  • Location
    Washington State

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  1. I have no interest in fixing it. Just don't want to scrap it if there was someone out there needing it for parts.
  2. I bought a truck and it came with a T2090 that was pulled from truck because it broke. Not sure what is wrong with it. Is there any value in these as parts or should I just haul it in for scrap?
  3. I didn't put a tape measure to both my RW713 and CL700. Both have E9-500. But if it was feasible and I came across the cab, hood and stuff i might be up for the challenge. Looks like the dual steering boxes are in the same location but the CL has longer springs with a lot of setback on the axle.
  4. If the shift cylinder is leaking does it leak into the transmission case? I have air leaking out a breather on the top of the transmission housing under the shift cylinder. Everything shifts fine but trying to fix all air leaks.
  5. Haven't looked at the mounts and measurements yet but how hard would it be to put a superliner 2 cab and hood on a CL700 chassis. I just bought a 1994 CL700 with E9-500 but I don't like the exterior or interior compared to my Superliner 2.
  6. I was seeing 20psi on almost flat ground empty. And I don't know if I trust the factory gauge in the overhead console. Will have to get a load of gravel in it and go pull some hills.
  7. Had the charge air cooler flushed and tested at the local radiator shop and it tested good.
  8. Well seems like everything i have done has helped a little. Pulled injectors and had rebuilt. That helped a fair amount. What really woke this old truck up was pulling the side covers off the v pump and spraying about half a large can of WD40 on the linkages and all parts inside.worked the throttle by hand a bunch and sprayed more WD40. Let it soak for 24 hours and then drove it. Running strong now. Empty on small hills near home was building over 20 psi boost on the factory gauge and pulling hard. Put about 15 ton of dirt in the box and drove around the property and you wouldn't know it was loaded.
  9. Any updates to bringing dynatards back to life. My Mack 237 with dynatard holds good on hills with 30,000 gross. Would like to get my E9-500 creating some engine breaking.
  10. I been trying to buy everything Made In USA but Goodyear wants almost $1,000 per tire and these Yokohama were around $600. Made in Japan is better than the crap China tires that have weak sidewalls.
  11. Got the wheels back from powdercoating and new tires.
  12. Cloverdale Industrial Enamel. Self priming and rust inhibitors. Not super fancy but really strong and sticks to anything.
  13. Getting things painted up before I get the wheels back from being powdercoated.
  14. Thanks for the help. I actually found a dealer in Washington that can order paper manuals for around $40 each so going that route. 6 to 8 weeks because of the holidays but worth it for the price and brand new.
  15. I don't have anything to put a cd in. Ten years ago that would have been a good option. I am thinking about downloading a pdf and printing the whole thing.
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