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1951 Mack LJ

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Everything posted by 1951 Mack LJ

  1. Luckily I don't have these problems with remotes. I have not had cable or satellite T.V. in over 6 years.
  2. Reminds me of my old Chevy truck with Bias Ply tires. She bounces all over the road until the flat spots round out.
  3. Don't mind me while I eat my 1 pound ELK Burger. Don't worry PETA.... The elk didn't suffer. It died very quickly after one shot.
  4. I found this on the Seattle listing. http://seattle.craig...3395290127.html
  5. http://seattle.craig...3382673069.html I was looking through Craigslist and saw this add.
  6. Where is the car in the picture?
  7. Just saw this and wanted to share with everyone.
  8. I like the last picture. And to think the DOT just wrote me a ticket for being 200 pounds over weight.
  9. You guys really know your Macks. I just saw the emblem on the side of the hood and assumed they were correct. Yeah the headache rack is huge and I bet it has lots of rust throughout because around here everything rusts with all the rain we get. I just posted it thinking you all might like the pictures.
  10. I have seen this one on Craigslist here a few times in the last year. Price stays about the same. http://portland.crai...3235005671.html
  11. I think they look good. Sorry to hear they are so hard to get over where you live. Here on the west side of the states I can find 22.5 and 24.5 Alcoa wheels used in good shape for $50 -$125 each. I can only guess how much the shipping would be to send some your way.
  12. If it was all back roads with no chance of the police giving me shit for going less then 10 mph and there were no hills of any size I would do it. Likely never get out of first gear and if the truck is 4x4 I would use the low-range without the hubs locked in for any tight areas I had to maneuver. But then again I am the kind of guy that bought a 5-yard dump truck in down town Portland OR and drove it 50 miles up a kinda busy 2 lane highway. The truck had an engine that was a knocking, the rear diff was stuck in low range.... 25 mph tops, the tires were almost as old as I am and had no tread cracked to heck and one splitting all the way around at the bead to the belts and almost flat, no wipers in the rain driving with my head out the window, backfire'n up the carb, no lights or signals and old plates. Some how I didn't get pulled over.
  13. Well don't take your bus here for vacation...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3XBWDlCtns&feature=related
  14. Well don't have to worry about any wife or girlfriend getting upset about me working on my trucks and car. I am 31 and still single. Some reason women my age are not into restoring old iron. They want to party and vacation and drive brand new cars and go shopping. Women around here are like truck/cars....... They don't make them like they used too..... Ha ha..
  15. Vlad..... Yes I do have a 1951 LJSW. It does have the original Mack rearends in it. I have a lot of projects around here. Anything older then 1960 I am keeping for quite a while.
  16. Well it just kinda happened. I really want to work on my old Mack but I have been devoting most all my time to my 1957 Chevy Bel Air. I promise I will change my ways.
  17. I looked up your transmission online and I see it has a 0.73 overdrive and the next lower gear is direct 1.00 I also looked around online and most the eaton 13 speeds I found ratios for also had a top gear of 0.73 and the next lower gear was 0.86 and then below that 1.00 So that would explain why the guy you talked to said you would need to change your rear end also to get a higher top speed.
  18. Sorry Vinny but there was no U Models. There was a lot of other nice old trucks there but I tried to focus on taking just pictures of Macks. I even saw an old Pete with Mack rears under it. The Antique Powerland Museum is really a cool place. They have numerous buildings.... some with more old trucks, a bunch of steam powered engines, and even an operational steam powered sawmill that they run throughout the day.
  19. Well I took a few pictures with my good old camera.
  20. The Antique Powerland Museum is hosting their annual truck show today. I will take some pictures and post them tonight.
  21. After a few days of sandblasting out in 90+ degree weather I was able to spray some paint after work today. Yeah I know I should be doing this to the LJSW out in my back yard but this was more of a test-run to work out all the issues with my sandblasting setup.
  22. That is a really nice looking truck. Makes me want to get outside and get going on my old LJSW.
  23. I will check that out tomorrow. It has a cummins 220 in it now. I am in the southwestern part of Washington.
  24. Sounds like a plan. They might have me file for a lost title but at least it will all match.
  25. Has me wondering now. The truck has not been on the road since around 1999 or 2000 is what the old man said. And when I did try getting the title transfered before I realized there was any problems the lady said that since the truck had not been licensed in so long the previous title was no longer in the system.
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