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Everything posted by Dougsr

  1. I hope this picture post. It is me in the early 70's Doug
  2. Happy Birthday Doug
  3. Welcome aboard. Doug
  4. While I was out messing around yesterday I found a Tulsa winch with dual catheads on an old R Model going to the scrapper. We was able to talk them out of the winch. It was raining but we took the torch and cut it off while the geting was good. Now it looks like the B will get a winch. Doug
  5. Happy Birthday
  6. She done what she had to do. She should have took him out. Doug
  7. A three wire GM alt will kick in at a low idle. Doug
  8. Welcome aboard. Doug
  9. You better wash your hands good before going to take a leak after handling those peppers. Lol Doug
  10. That is a sweet little B. Doug
  11. Happy Birthday to all of you. Doug
  12. As big as that visor is they could have turned it around and used it for a chickin wing. They should split his balls and run his leg through it.
  13. I am pretty sure it was. I never did see one. That old Oliver was screaming but run out of snuff. Lol Doug
  14. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Old Santa just mooned me on his way over my house. Doug
  15. I bet they loaded up the huggies. Lol Doug
  16. They are under recent topics on the right of the page a little. Doug
  17. They are on the right of the page. Doug
  18. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. The cement has been poured for the paint booth. We hope to start working on the room before to long. We are looking forward to trying it out on the little B model. Bill has a real job so he don't have a lot of off time to work on it. Doug
  19. That is one fine little B. Doug
  20. Thanks. the web site is www.latc.us Doug
  21. Terry can I use any of these pictures for my web site Photo of the week? Doug
  22. Those guys must have had penty of folding money to build those little hotrods. I love to see what people come up with these tractors. It would be fun to let them pull our sled but our insurance will not let us pull the trucks and hotrods. We do have all kind of things on static display when we do have a pull. If you find a good picture that does not have a copy rite on it or one you take send it to me for the photo of the week for my tractor web site. I try to have something new every week. It can be a tractor or just something odd. You never know what may show up. Mail me pictures at dougsr@centurytel.net with Photo Of The Week in the subject line. Doug
  23. Those are sweet little tractors. He put a lot of time and money in that one with the flames on it. Doug
  24. Yes I forgot about the Massey with the GM. Bot of those would be fun to have to use as a puller. Turn the fuel up and let her smoke. Oh don't forget to check the emergency shutdown cable. Lol
  25. They had a Oliver called the Super 99 with the GM engine on it too. Doug
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