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Everything posted by Dougsr

  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too. Doug
  2. Did anyone see the B Model dumps on Yesterday's Trucks? http://www.yesterdaystruck.com/cgi-bin/trphoto_pic.cgi?pic=http;//www.yesterdaystruck.com/trphotos/a870.jpg Doug
  3. People don't care about your things any more. That is sorry. They more than likely did not have insurance. Doug
  4. Make sure the rack in the fuel pump is not froze up. We had that happen but we had the breather off and aboard to put over the intake when it tried to runaway. Doug
  5. That is a pretty place. I would not want to have to live like that though. Doug
  6. Welcome aboard. Doug
  7. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Doug
  8. Happy Birthday. I hope you have a good day. Doug
  9. Well the S60 is back at home after three weeks in the shop. They said it was the RPM and speed sensor was the problem. We went to Shreveport Saturday and it made the three hour trip home and running around town. I hope they got it fixed this time. Doug
  10. Welcome aboard. Doug
  11. Nice trucks and tractors. Doug
  12. Welcome aboard. Doug
  13. Happy Birthday. I hope you have a good day. Doug
  14. One guy took a one wire GM alternator and mounted it and a small engine on a plate. He had a battery mounted on it also. He had a good muffler on it where it would be loud. He just left it in the back of his pickup. You would not have to run the engine real fast. Anyway he had a wire coming from the battery with an RV plug on it. He had two conductors in the wire a pos and a neg. He would plug it in to the light wire on his trailer and charge his battery. Doug
  15. Welcome aboard. Doug
  16. Oh it was priceless. He was holding his hand over the bull dog so he could see the eyes light up when he peed right in his face. It was a good stream of water too. The lot owner thought it was funny too. He didn't get mad but the look on his face was worth it all. Doug
  17. I got a big laugh as well as everyone else around. The car lot owner even liked it. Doug
  18. I was in town last week at a car lot. A guy pulled up in a 2012 one ton F350 with a work bed with two chrome stacks on it. He had a bull dog on the hood off a Mack. He told the car lot owner to watch the dog eyes light up. The guy got in the truck as to turn the lights on. The next thing he knew the bull dog peed on him. He had put a small nozzle under the dog and hooked it to his windshield washer. It hit that dude right in the face with that water. Doug
  19. I know about that. Last time it went up there it started. I guess it is like my neighbors dog. It likes to ride. Doug
  20. Welcome aboard Doug
  21. Well at least when the car got to the shop it did not start. They had to push it into the shop. They called this afternoon and said the RPM sensor is why it would not start. Who knows with these new cars. Like I said they are a computer on wheels. They are going to do some more checking next week to make sure they fixed it. Doug
  22. Happy half a hundred Birthday. Doug
  23. Happy Birthday Doug
  24. My wife and I was married on June 6th. Congrats on the new addition. Doug
  25. It is getting towed to the Volvo ICU In Shreveport tomorrow. I hope the doctors can revive the old girl. Last time it was there two weeks. Doug
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