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Everything posted by Dougsr

  1. If you get his info you can post it for me. It will be a good while before we work on it. We just wanted to save it from the scrapper. We are going to have to get back on the B Model Mack before long. Problem is we have a lot of projects. Lol Doug
  2. The body is in pretty good shape. It still has the old engine and trans in it. It looks like a 292 but not sure. Doug
  3. We went back today and bought the old truck. We will have to go back in a couple of weeks to get it. Does anyone know where the tag is for these trucks. We did not have any wasp spray so we did not look to good. Doug
  4. Welcome aboard. That is a nice B you have. Doug
  5. Welcome aboard. Doug
  6. Hurry back. You may miss something. Doug
  7. I like the tractors. Your truck is nice too. Doug
  8. I am sorry for your loss. Doug
  9. Happy Birthday Doug
  10. If anyone would like to see the rest of the pictures go to www.latc.us then go to the photo page and look for the tractor ride 2013 album. Doug
  11. LaSalle Antique And Tractor Club had a thirty mile tractor ride today. The weather was nice and was a good day for the ride. A little over half way right before we stopped for our picnic lunch we had one tractor blow a back tire. The tire looked fine when we left. This was the first time out for my 46 JD B after an overhaul. It did good. The only thing was they was going to fast for 5th gear and to slow for 6th. We had a fun day and the tire was the only problem we had. Doug
  12. I rode my Harley to Shreveport today. I had to take my wife up there to get her car out of the shop. Yes it was a Volvo. Never herd of an alternator telling a car to shut down. It just stopped like you turned the key off. The battery was hot and everything. Doug
  13. My first John Deere was a 41 H. It had the hyd, fenders, wheel weights, lights and electric start. It was a sweet little tractor. It was good in the displays and parades. But seven mph is to slow for a tractor ride. I sold it to a guy in south LA to pull his antique ice cream machine with. Doug
  14. Our Tractor club is having a thirty mile tractor ride In a week and half. I will get to break the engine in on that ride. I think we are going to run around ten mph. Doug
  15. There is a 59 f700 on eBay that has two holes under the grill. Doug
  16. Yes it does look like the one above. The one we are getting has budd wheels. Doug
  17. A friend and I found an old Ford 600 or 700. We have not went back to get it yet. We was going to give it a good looi inside but it was full of them red flying watch dogs. I have been looking for a good place to find body parts and a windshield for the big trucks. Down below the grill it has three holes. I have saw a couple on line that had two holes. I don't know if the three holes was a bigger truck than the two holes. We are going to put the dump bed we removed from the B model Mack on it. If anyone knows a good place for parts for the bigger Fords let me know. Doug
  18. Welcome aboard. Nice truck Doug
  19. Welcome aboard. Nice truck. Doug
  20. I know where a Farmall H is on a grader is south of Alexandria LA. I think it is an H It has been setting up a while. He said it would run. Doug
  21. We are working on a WC Allis Chalmers tractor road grader. Doug
  22. We have a guy in our tractor club that has a little JD H still in its work clothes. It is a good running little tractor. It is hand start. A lot of people like to keep them in the original paint when it is good enough. Doug
  23. Before blasting and paint. Doug
  24. When I got this tractor we thought the engine would be ok. We took it down and painted it real pretty. After the oil was changed and it washed the carbon and all the crud out it did not have any power. Blow by was bad. When in the Christmas parades at night you could see the blow by real bad when you had the lights on. If you go to www.latc.us and go to the Photo page and look for my album you can see a few pictures while we are painting it. I think there may be a before picture in it too. Doug
  25. I just got my JD B back together and took a little test ride. I have been working on it off and on a year and half. It has 45 over high compression pistons in it now. It has that good John Deere pop pulling the hill by my house.
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