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Everything posted by parkerstruckrepair

  1. The flat bed Mack is for sale, if anyone knows of anybody looking for a project. I have all the parts, doors, hood fenders etc. Motor is a fresh rebuild in the crate, i believe the transmission was done as well. Truck is in Erie Pa. Contact me at babparker@gmail.com or on this site. Please pass the word. Thanks Bernie
  2. Actually the flat bed owner was a friend of mine. He restored old construction equipment, and was going to haul a cat dozer he had restored. However he got sick and passed away before he could complete his restoration of the truck. Very sad.. My grandfather was a smart old guy, started our repair business in 1934. He designed and with my father and uncle built the wrecker body you see there. Yes it is picking it up off the ground, very impressive for the 1960's
  3. Here are some pictures of the trucks, First (4) are the A40X i purchased for the rebuid. Actually in very good shape, lots of sheet metal, hoods, doors etc. Fresh rebuild on engine and tranny. Lots of parts . Last is the 51 A40H i'm going to restore, This was taken after they built it back in the 60's. Let the fun begin. Bp
  4. Thanks, this will be big project once i get rolling, may have enoguh parts to end up with (2) trucks
  5. Did find out cab came from a A40h Dump truck, frame from a cement mixer, dump truck had blown a front tire and went over a bank, frame was junk, sheeet metal survived. Mixer body and cab had been removed, just bought the frame. No numbers off of frame as of yet. Burried in snow at the moment!!
  6. I am thinking that it was happened, trying to investigate that now. Thanks
  7. Even if its an Eq chasis is the sheet metal the same, from what i can see it looks the same
  8. will check thanks for the info Bernie
  9. Will also contact the Mack Museum, once i get correct numbers, no problem with a donation Thanks Bernie
  10. Mike ,Ron Thanks for the information, will try and get some pictures and also the info. off of the new find. New find is a very complete truck, nice shape, good sheet metal and lots of extras. As for my old girl, not sure?? My grandfather purchaesed it July of 1960. Certificate of junk has number as EQS1D1207, when my family completed the build our title has numbers A40H8944 and E9414056(not sure about this one). As i am new to this were woould you find the correct numbers on the old truck?? Thanks for all of the info Bernie
  11. My grandfather built a wrecker body on a 51 or 52 A40H , i would like to start a restoration on this truck and found found a 51 or 52 A40X. First question are there any major differences between 51 and 52 . Second between an H model and X model (x extra low gear??). My truck was a originally a dump truck, parts truck was a mixer,now a flat bed. My model # is A40H8944 ser# EQS1D1207. Any and all information would be helpful. Thanks BP
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