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Everything posted by coloradogreen

  1. Olivetroad- As far as copyright stuff goes, its all good. All I'm looking for is credit where credit is due. Found my shots posted elsewhere with no mention of who shot it. Troy.
  2. One more... Boots Chivington's over-the-top L-model Kenworth... Troy.
  3. Tri-State's Class of '78, Toad's Pad, and Black Sheep... All for now, folks. Troy.
  4. ... And Spike's wild 379... Troy.
  5. Chris Peruzzi's stretched out 379... Troy.
  6. Shoot a lot of non-Mack's out West, figure there might be some interest... Percy Thompson's 389 glider. Signature 600 Cummins, 3.36s, and a 13-speed. Bruce's big 359. Recently sold up North. Howard Elliot's other big truck, a 379. Troy.
  7. Glad you guys like the shots. Gary built the MR "Gone Postal" solely to have something different from the many Pete and Kenworth largecars. He originally got the truck to use getting loads in and out of very tight jobsites (the truck grossed well over 100,000lbs.). He and several of his drivers taught me how to drive and Gone Postal is actually how I got in contact with them when I did a shoot and article on it a few years back. It was a very fun truck to go toodling around in and was certainly his calling card. It was recently sold to a collector out East as we have a few other projects at the moment. Troy.
  8. As mentioned, I do photoshoots and write articles for 10-4 Magazine. Being largely a West Coast magazine we don't see many Mack's, but, we still get a few here and there. Here a few I've shot in the past for the magazine or friends... Gary Disher's "Gone Postal" MR Mack cabover. What a fun little truck to drive! Howard Elliot's (Artranist) Rawhide. One of the first (or the first, from my understanding) Rawhide's built. A beautiful rig that he keeps up, never seen his truck dirty. Not done for the Magazine, but, one of Gary's Mack Granite's, an '03 Model. Mack driveline front to back, really like this truck, actually what I took my drive test in. Troy. Images Copyright 10-4 Magazine/ Troy Miller
  9. Some of the forum members may recognize me from ATHS and/ or Hank's Truck Forum. With a very strong interest in Mack trucks I figure this is a good place to be. Compounded by problems at a certain aforementioned forum, I figure its also wise to be hunting for a new "home", so to speak. I think we all know which forum that would be. At my age I don't have a truck yet, but, I am currently working at getting on with a local heavy haul trucking company. They taught me much of what (little) I know about driving a truck (never did trust the trucking "colleges") and it is, essentially, my age keeping me from a driving job with them at the moment. I also write for and do photoshoots for 10-4 Magazine out of California. Troy.
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