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Everything posted by Cruiseliner

  1. It only does it when it's hot. It's like a big thump when going from low to high but good going from high back to low. This was a brand new box not a rebuild. Can you replace the syncho without taking the box out ?
  2. Hi, I have spider hubs, When this happens I get a slight pause in the drive like someone very quickly depressing the clucth and releasing it, that the same time you hear the click.
  3. Hi, I have a noise (click ) when I'm driving through loose dirt while watering to mix with grader. It doesn't it while driving or on hard surface. I'm thinking it's in the diff. Any help with this is appreciated.
  4. Hi, I have a 90 model valueliner with a 18 speed Mack box, I think it's a T2018. When I go from low range to high it makes a big clonk noise. The box is only 3 years old with only a cupple of thousands Ks on it. Is there an adjustment or something to stop this. All help is a appreciated.
  5. Hi,I recently seen a Mack Bulldog with a red head and was wondering where I can get one
  6. Hi,Thanks for your help. I have fixed it, changed the power steering to transmission fluid and replaced the LH side rim and tyre and the wobble has gone.
  7. Hi, They are tubeless and have replaced the unies and centre bearing and centre bearing housing rubbers.
  8. Hi, I have a 90i model valueliner which gets a shake in the steering wheel around 60klms and goes at 70klms. It is hard to hang on to it, it shakes so much. I have checked the wheel bearings, king pins, changed the tyres and one rim, checked the toe in, check the steering pump all seem to be fine. Changed the steering filter. It seems to pulsate, there are two adjustable screws top and bottom which have nothing to do with the free play/slack in the box as there two larger ones that do that. do the smaller ones control the pressure in the steering box? Is there anything else I can do to fix this problem? As I'm almost ready to wreck her out. Thanks for any thoughts
  9. Hi, Does anyone have information on a mack 9 speed range change. I have one that the range changer needs doing and want to know what's involved. Is the a site where I can get a exploded view also? Thanks for any advice
  10. Hi, I have a 90 model valueliner with a 350 4 valve engine with a machanical injector pump. The problem is it keeps huntting or up and down revs. If you try to hold it at a certain rev it hunts and makes it hard to maintain a certain speed. It mainy does this anything under 1600, Is there away it fix this. thanks for any info. Dan
  11. Hi, I have a M11 cummins in a truck and the electrics is driving my crazy, differant codes all the times. Had it to cummins for 2 days, outcome they could find anything. Wander if you can chage it to machanical like the bigcam 400? change the fuel pump and injectors?
  12. Thanks Guys will ckeck it all out.
  13. Did ckeck the tie rod end OK, It;s a spoke wheel and the tyres are wearing on the inside.Am putting a new set of rims and tyres on also
  14. Thanks guys I,ll ckeck it out.
  15. Hi, ckecked the king pins and put new steer tyres on and wheel nuts are tight.
  16. Hi, Have a Valueliner with a wobble in the steering which comes in around 60klms and is hard to hold onto the steering wheel but doesn't do it around corners. Ckecked the tie rod ends OK, wheel bearings OK. Any ideas?
  17. Hi, I have a R 600 with apark brake problem. When you apply the park brake it takes a while to engauge and release. Replaced the brake lever in cab, replaced valve in chassis and problem is still there. Has anyone got any ideas please?
  18. Thanks for that,
  19. Hi, Would anyone know how to adjust the clutch wear on the pressure plate which has a locking tab with a bolt in it I know how to adjust the ones with the bolt that you push in with a 5/8 spanner while the clutch is depressed. This is the first one I have come across with a locking tab. All help would be appreciated
  20. Hi, can anyone help me out with the adjustment on the clutch. This one has a locking tab with a bolt in it. I know how to adjust the ones with the bolt you push in while someone has there foot on the clutch and you push the bolt in with a 5/8 spanner. This is all the the pressure plate to adjust for wear. This one with the locking tab is the first I have seen and have no idea how to adjust it. It's in a "73" R700. All help would be appreciated.
  21. Hi,We had a R600 with a similar problem and we changed the lift pump, cleaned the tank vent. All made no difference. We found that the elbow on the fuel tank was half blocked, cleaned it now goes like a rocket. Might be worth a look.
  22. Thanks are lot Phildirt.
  23. Hi, I am after the torque setting for the flywheel bolts on a E6 engine. Al help is appreciated.
  24. Hi, Does anyone know the main difference between a D107 trans and a T107 trans?
  25. Hi, I have have a T107 maxitorque which has a side mounted pto which is not suited to the work I do with the tipper. I need a live pto and so told a rear mounted pto was the way to go. Does anyone know wkere I can get one? Cheers.
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