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Everything posted by Glensts

  1. I have 4 macks which get between 100 to 200 hours a year. I do oil change, fuel filters,water filter and other maintenance once a year. I do tranny and diff oils every 3 years. Oil is cheap as long as everything keeps running. My trucks are in a cold storage shed during winter but we don't put a lot of hours on in the winter
  2. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ebaymotors/1956-Mack-B81-Tractor-B-81-B-Model-Custom-Antique-Rare-/281443922528?ru=http://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=281443922528&_rdc=1&forcev4exp=true
  3. I've had that issue too with the wobble and I swapped tires from side to side and that seemed to help it out. May not be right thing to do but it worked, It had Dayton 5 spokes
  4. I will add mine as well, 1997 with 427 E-7, we could haul from the field to the yard no problem but if it was over 5 miles it would blow out antifreeze. After 2 years of struggling it ended up being the heads, as we got them tested, It was the pressure from the turbo that was sending in the extra pressure. Crack in the intake port. On the little short hauls it never got going very fast.
  5. Anyone tell me if that is a factory front bumper on the superliner? It looks nice, I never had a superliner only the R's and that does sharpen it up
  6. My new desktop background. Hadn't seen this pic before so thought I'd share as I never remember Fleet Friday, haha Not sure if they're dark brown or Black
  7. that old Galion grader is the same as the one they still use here in my hometown. its got a little detroit in it. Not sure which one is in better shape but the one in the picture has more glass in it. LOL
  8. Just wanted to thank you guys here on the forum. Wanted to upgrade and the consensus was to stick with the older trucks like I had for the amount of use we get out of them a year. http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/33711-upgrading-trucks/ So got this one home yesterday, 1997 CH 613 400,000 actual miles with 9600 hours, 427, 18 speed and Mack 40,000 rears. Gold Dog Hopefully he'll get along with the rest of the guys in the shed
  9. 4.64 divided by 4.42 is 1.049, so you will gain 4.9%. Not a big increase. YOu need about 3.71 to get what you want, 25% higher.
  10. Went for a drive to go see one of my Uncle's 97 Macks, He has probably owned over 20 Macks in his time, it has Mack 40,000 diff's. The top carrier has the same number stamped on top as my 46's, Everything looks the same except it has 8 bolts to hold the axle in, similar to the one I'm thinking of purchasing. The only think I could find different was the piece on the side of the frame, with the plastic wear plate for the big leaf spring. Mine are solid and his were cutout in the center and you could see the bolt that came through to bolt the plastic wear plate. Front and Rear Carriers are all the same on both trucks, just a plate to block off the rear hole on the rear diff. My uncle's thoughts were, " a 40,000 Mack diff is way better than an Eaton any day" I will keep trying to get it figured out for sure. He has a 2001 CH as well and it also has 40000 diff's. They looked identical to the 97's, with the same numbers on top of the carrier.
  11. Went to my dealer today and with a bit of help from the parts guy, who wasn't too busy, we were able to find out that the top half of the diff. (carrier?) and the bottom housing, have the same part numbers as my own 1997 truck. It also has the same gear ratio as one of my trucks, think it was 4.42 but can't remember, my other truck has a higher number. So I'm concluding that it must be the same rearends, just a different axle for the 8 bolt hub, Would I be right in my thinking? I can't imagine that a 38000 diff would have same carrier as a 46000
  12. Well I went to look at a 97 CH 613 again and it was supposed to be identical to the ones I own. Looked the same, 427 engine, 18 spd mack trans, Mack diff's but he said they were 46000 diff's. So are my trucks, but I have 6 big bolts holding the axle onto the hub but this one had 8 smaller bolts holding the axle. My axle flanges are the same size as the rim hub hole, the other truck seemed like it tapered down to the axle end flange and had the 8 - 1/2 inch bolts. So would it be 44000? or 38000?. The diff's looked big but I don't know how to tell them apart. I looked up some images on Truckpaper and it seemed like some had 6 and some had 8 bolts. Any help here? It comes up in a farm auction and I don't want 38000 diff's for pulling super b's. serial # 1M2AA18Y5VW077089 https://www.rbauction.com/1997-mack-e7-427-sleeper?invId=3890185&id=ci
  13. If the throttle is partially responsive or non responsive, the foot pedal potentiometer could be not working or became unhooked. I have had them screw up but usually it would throw a code first and then work enough to get me home
  14. If you use the hand pump before you start it is there fuel there? Or does it take quite a few pumps before you actually get fuel at the hand pump? Occasionally mine won't start right away and I have to pump the primer pump at least 50 times before I get fuel and then it'll start fairly quick. It happens to me a couple times a year if it sits for extended amount of time.
  15. On one of my ch 613, 1997 , I started truck, it was about -20 C out, about 0 F. Fired up perfect, lights work but heater didn't, Also noticed high idle and cruise wouldn't work,nor air buzzer. Pyrometer was at 900, and if you turned on heater fuel gauge went down. Radio and CB posts worked, everything else seemed normal. So only had to haul 2 miles and unload, 2 hours later everything worked normal, today it still works normal. Thinking ground but which one? where would be most likely place to look? Glen
  16. Hey guys, just wondering if someone know the difference between the Mack 46000 diffs and the 44000 diffs. I have the 46's in my 97 Macks and wondering if the 44's are as bulletproof and what experience anyone has had. Thanks Glen
  17. Kind of sounding like I should find a 2003 or under and make it work. It might be the best solution. But in 10 years I will have really old trucks. Or a better solution is available
  18. I probably won't get rid of the old ones but now I am short a truck for the amount of trailers we need. For what the old ones seem to be worth I might as well keep it as a spare
  19. I'm running some 97's and a 95 mack, all ch 613 models. Wanting to upgrade but from what I see the EGR systems really played havoc on some of the new models. I was told that once you got into a 2009 and up things worked pretty good. We need to run the 46000 diffs so I don't find a lot of good used trucks around here that are lower mileage and in good shape. The CX seems to be what i'm looking for but what is everyone seeing with these engines in these years? I hate to have a lot of trouble and sure can't afford to run the truck into the city, which is 3 hours away, for every little flashing light. Once we start harvest our trucks get used everyday and then they sit for quite a while. We only average 300 hours or so per truck per year but this will increase. I used to do a lot of custom trucking years ago but I don't anymore. Any thoughts or opinions are appreciated. Glen Saskatchewan Canada
  20. I had an 84 with the same gauge issue. It read 12 degrees high.
  21. My 84 was tan and 87 was grey with the new steering wheel.
  22. My 95 and 97 both have done this especially when it's raining. Always ended up being the big electrical connector by the injection pump. We spray electrical contact cleaner and then away it goes. Hope that's your issue as its an easy fix
  23. Local Guy I would sure like to see more pics if you got them handy. Email is gt.gray@gmail.com
  24. I had a 1980 Mack with 300+. I'm going to say the 2 wires are for the reverse lights circuit on the transmission. As for the puffer valve air lines, mine was unhooked, did they not need the turbo manifold pressure to reach a certain psi before full fuel was given? I'm thinking that is what the purpose of the air line
  25. I thought this was on eBay earlier or posted on this site but couldn't find it. I really like this truck and would like to have it in my yard. I'm not a fan of the trailer and wish it was a tandem instead of a tag axle. Tags aren't allowed here but not sure about grandfathered as we used to have them Scared they get stuck too easy in fields http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/?cmd=ViewItem&item=110876481647&redirect=mobile
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