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Mike Strait

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  1. Oh i forgot to ask, I saw on a post here that when changing the fuel filter, to use a quart of ATF (auto transmission fluid) to prime the filter and housing. Is this a good thing to do? I know that atf is good at freeing up stuff that is frozen up or rusted.
  2. Hi everyone that is exactly the kind of info i was looking for. Yes we changed the filter and have pumped up the the hand pump, it does build pressure and bled the filter but havent got around to try bleeding the injectors themselves yet but will try that next. I will let you all know how it goes. It is a side project so it may be a few days. Thank You for the info on the injector pump also, i will probably end up there before this is all over.
  3. Hello everyone this is a first post for me i have been here before researching a newer mack truck clutch and hi-low transmission control setup, and found good help. I am being asked to help a friend with his 1955 B61. It hasent been started in several years. it was supposed to have had the injection pump rebuilt not to long before it was left to sit for several years. We put some solvent (paint thinner, mineral spirits) in the tank and pumped it up into the injection pump to try and clean it out, get the old diesil to clear out. it wouldnt start not even smoke cough anything is why we did this. Anyway after this we put clean fresh diesil in it and tryed starting it by towing it behind another truck for a couple blocks still not even a cough or smoke. I am not a diesil mechanic but am a ase certified master tech with 30 years of experiance and have worked on a few old diesil cattipillers and managed to get them running. My question to the fourm is does anyone have any knowledge as to the best way to get this thing up and running? The truck ran before it was left to sit. It is in pretty good shape for a 1955. i am just missing something any help would be of great help to me. Thank You in advance.
  4. One update i have to the post is that Ive been told you need a special toll to bleed it ? and that they are a pain to bleed. can anyone confirm either of these? i think the guy just wanted me to bring him the truck so they could pull me over the coals.
  5. We have this older Mack truck its a 1988 MidLiner Cab over MS 300 T. What happened was the clutch made a snapping noise and quit working , after inspection i found that the rubber line going to the Air over hydraulic clutch slave unit had ruptured i had a new line made for it and replaced it. I have been trying to bleed the hydraulic system using the bleeder on top of the unit it is just brake fluid coming out now, no air. The clutch is still not working tho there is no resistance to pushing the pedal down like there is no fluid in it. when the clutch pedal is pushed a little spurt of air comes out of a little hole on the bottom of the clutch control unit and thats it the clutch rod dosent move at all. I am unfamiliar with type of clutch control slave unit. it is made by wabco i haven't got any numbers off of it yet. What i am after is information as to how the unit is ssupposedto work and if i am bleeding it wrong or what or if there is something possibly broken inside of it. Any information i could get would help me greatly.
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