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Pedigreed Bulldog
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doubleclutchinweasel last won the day on October 17 2023

doubleclutchinweasel had the most liked content!


About doubleclutchinweasel

  • Birthday 12/23/1961


  • Location
    Marion, NC

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Community Answers

  1. LOL! I guess somebody needs to look after me!
  2. Thanks to Joey and another regular, who prefers to remain anonymous, I now have two of the #2 coins! Thanks to both of you gentlemen. I also just got my 125th anniversary coins from Watts. Now, if I can just keep a watch on Watts for any new ones…
  3. Still looking for one more if anybody has a spare!
  4. Okay. My friend Joey Mack has hooked me up with one coin! If anybody else out there has one of these they can spare, please contact me. I need one more for the other twin grandson!
  5. No problem. We’ll sort this out when you feel up to it. No big deal. Feel better, my friend.
  6. Or you can text me if you still have my cell number.
  7. I sent you a message with addresses and such. Let me know there how to get money to you. Thanks, Jo-Jo!
  8. I'll send you a message. If you can part with one, I'd appreciate it. How much you want for the coin and the shipping?
  9. Thanks for the welcome, guys. Yeah, I've been pretty busy and have not been able to do much on here. Just stopped in once in a while to see if everybody was still here. Jo-Jo, I have the #1 and #3 coins. I just need the #2 coins. Wouldn't you know I'd miss the one with my favorite model on it!
  10. I was out of communication when the 2nd series challenge coins were available. I need 2 of these...one for each of the grandsons. Will consider 2 from one individual or 1 each from 2 different people. So, if you have any you could spare, please let me know.
  11. You sure this doesn't belong in the "you might be..." thread???
  12. Yes, the "M" indicated Maxidyne.
  13. Here in NC, we have class A, B, & C licenses...in both commercial and "civilian" forms. Sounds similar in SC.
  14. True. Some states have air brake rules. Some don't. Gotta keep it confusing, otherwise there is no money in it for the states!
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