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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by doubleclutchinweasel

  1. Friend of mine from Tennessee says that's exit 407 off I40 (Sevierville exit). That's the area my R came from.
  2. Changed the rears out this morning. Same deal; one came apart easily, and the other one had to be cut off! New bolts on the fronts. A little anti-seize between the bolts and sleeves. Let's call it done!
  3. ...and the standard R-model way back then was 103" BBC, if you trust the Mack brochures...
  4. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... A Mack 18-speed is supposed to have 2 sticks! Thus sayeth The Weasel...
  5. 2 down, & 2 to go... Left one literally took 10 minutes. Right one took an hour, because the sleeve in the old mount was stuck to the bolt. Had to cut the rubber off and grind the sleeve in two to get it off. After that, 10 minutes. For lack of a better plan, I re-used the same flat washer count that came out of it. Maybe I can do the rears this weekend. Think I'll replace the bolts, too. That should be easy now that they're clean. Oh, and the uppers were, indeed, 20QL250 and the lowers 20QL1144, just in case anybody else needs to do theirs. These are actually the BWP-NSI parts (MA9R & MA9O, respectively), ordered through FinditParts, and shipped directly from BWP in Missouri. Good prices, quick delivery.
  6. Yep. The manual gives a torque spec. But I think I like your suggestion better. The book also mentions shimming the cab as needed to align it with the hood. Stuff should be here by the weekend. Hope to get a start on it at least.
  7. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the 864 is shorter than the 673...
  8. I grew up riding with my Dad in B61s & R600s. So, I had plenty of room. No suspension seat, but plenty of room!
  9. Actually, i don't think the centered cab of the R-model has any different leg room on the driver's side than the offset cab of the U-model. The R-model cab is almost straight across the front edge, with uniform leg room pretty much everywhere. But, the passenger's side of the U-model is a lot tighter, if i remember correctly, 'cause the doghouse intrudes into that area a bit. I'm sure Vinny could elaborate. Not sure about the actual difference in cab length (if any) between the U and R. I BELIEVE they did shorten the BBC just a bit, though. I'd have to check the brochures to know for sure. So, you're probably correct; if the BBC is shortened, and the doghouse intrudes into the cab as a result, the offset would help legroom on the driver's side, albeit at the expense of the passenger's side. Who knows what is true and what is legend...after the marketing department gets hold of it!
  10. Nice to know it actually had a name...not just "lopsided m#@&$@#&$@#r"!
  11. According to Mack, this truck should use an 88" tachometer cable. I still don't see how. But, I guess I'll measure it out again, and see if it would reach.
  12. Okay. According to all my research, & even Mack, the cab mounts are as follows: Upper - 20QL250 Lower - 20QL1144 Radiator - 20QL231P9 There are several aftermarket versions as well (PAI, BWP-NSI, Rubber, Urethane, blah-blah-blah). Not sure if any are better than the others. Opinions or experiences? Also, is there an easy way to lift the cab and radiator enough to change the bushings without taking the thing completely apart? The Mack-given radiator mounts appear to just go in from the top, & are 1-piece. The current ones look like there are 2 pieces. Maybe the bottom flares out when they're tightened? See first picture. Think the cab mounts are due?!!! See other pictures.
  13. Yep. Widens out just behind the batteries. Sorry,Vinny. I must be gettin' old.
  14. I just zoomed in on the picture, and i believe you are correct. The frame appears to deepen just behind the battery boxes. Young eyes, huh? I'll try to get a closer look at it later today. that would explain the front axle...
  15. Here are some more pics. Definitely looks like a U... Looks like a fairly serious front axle setup. Always liked the double-splined rear axles. Did not look under it to see if it was double-framed, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.
  16. Yeah. That's the website I was looking at. Had to change a $#@&$#@ flat tire this evening.
  17. Sorry it wasn't better. Trying to take a pic without looking! Speed is low there, at least. Didn't get to stop in this evening for a closer look. Had an outside rear flatter'n a flitter when I left work. Had to swap one out. This one ain't on as pretty a wheel as the one I took off, though. Kinda' dirty-looking. Crap!
  18. Do the numbers 20QL231P5 or 20QL295A mean anything to anybody? They are listed as "radiator mounts", but no specifics are given. Still searching...
  19. I believe it actually had the "straight" frame of a U, not the "deep" frame of the DM. But, I did not stop and get up close and personal. If I can, I'll try to get a little closer to it later on. Maybe get a couple of more pics. I thought you'd appreciate the view from one old truck to another!
  20. What I was told by Mack, is that the rails were primed, bolted together, then painted as a unit. So, no, there would not be any real paint between the rails...which does aggravate the rust problem.
  21. Is this correct for my old 1970 R600? Upper cab mounts - 20QL250 Lower cab mounts - 20QL1144 Same on all 4 points. Anybody got the numbers for the radiator mounts?
  22. https://www.paiindustries.com/parts/catalogtoc.php?catalog_id=2&ID=12108
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