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Pedigreed Bulldog
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  1. doubleclutchinweasel's post in B61 unishift linkage schematic and adjustment was marked as the answer   
    Here are a couple of pictures from 2 different pages in a service manual.  I think one is for air operated and one is for electric.  See if any of the notes help with anything.  I think B1 and B2 are from the same page, and B3 and B4 are from the other page.

  2. doubleclutchinweasel's post in Something I KNOW you can help me with! was marked as the answer   
    Oh...and would a length of rubber tubing (gas line, etc...) make a suitable "grommet" to take up the space between the sleeve and the bracket?
    And, I would still like to see a close-up of somebody's throttle cable bracket.
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