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Everything posted by IHfarmboy

  1. Why would I be getting 12v from the ECU and not 5v? Could the ECU be bad?
  2. Thanks Onyx610. That helps me check the sensors. From this info it seems the sensors are within spec. Does your book show what the voltage should be coming from ECU?
  3. Any idea what the reference voltage is supposed to be? All three sensors in question are two wire.
  4. What are the voltages supposed to be for the cam, crank, and speed sensors? I am getting 0.26v at the cam and crank sensors and 12v at the speed sensor. Should they all be 5.0v?
  5. Replaced both crank and speed sensor. The engine is still derated. Was looking on the passenger side and found the harness coming out of the firewall is melted. I'm trying to repair it and see if that fixes it. I still can't get the Nexiq to work with VMAC software. Not happy with only being able to read codes with it.
  6. Yeah they looked fine. I'm getting 12volts down to the VSS sensor. I checked the cam and crank sensor and only getting 0.25 volts to them. Is this correct? The cam sensor tested at 800-900 ohms and the crank was reading 19,000 ohms. We are replacing the crank sensor when it comes in Friday. It was seized into the bell housing and had to break it to get it out.
  7. I'll try and uninstall Nexiq drivers and see if that makes a difference. I tried uninstalling VMAC but that didn't work.
  8. 2001 CH613 E7 with 10sp Eaton I'm getting 4-1 code.
  9. Here are the codes diesel explorer gathered. Not sure what code 291 is for. The truck is only making 7psi of boost and feels derated. IMG_2775.HEIC
  10. It's a 2001 CH truck. When I use Diesel explorer it shows multiple ECU's (engine,ABS, and one or two others). What does the rocker switch look like? I also can run a test connection through Nexiq tester app and can see all ECU's. It's like the nexiq drivers won't communicate with VMAC. I get the prompt seen on the left in the picture, then I click on preferences to choose nexiq but nothing is listed.
  11. Tommy Mason, did you ever figure out what the problem was? I just bought a Nexiq link 2 and can't get it to connect to VMAC either. I'm able to use Diesel explorer 2.0 to pull codes and read gauges.
  12. I'll have to find that out, thanks. Do either the prolink or the vcads let you change engine parameters (like increase fueling)?
  13. I found this one on ebay, its a vcads, but it doesnt say what model Macks it works on. http://www.ebay.com/itm/320871202478?_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649&item=320871202478&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT&vxp=mtr Do you know if it will work on all of our trucks? And do I still have to get the software for it? Our 04 and the 01 have the same Renualt engine except the 04 has EGR.
  14. Does the Prolink come with the software to read, test, and program Macks or do I have to buy the software separetly?
  15. Hi all, Im new to this forum. My dad just bought our 3rd Mack and we would like to get diagnostic software so we can work on them. We have a 04 Vision, 01 CH, and a 98 CH. Is there any software that will work on all three trucks and what kind of data cable will I need? I have looked around the internet and sent some emails asking what trucks they will work on, but they only say they work on some Macks but not sure which ones.
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