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Everything posted by mackmb212

  1. I don't have any complaints about our 3 1/2 most lays in town will be 150-300 feet and we have a decent water system, so we really don't need ldh. When I tell people we still run that hose they give me a dumb founded look, and then I say humat and they really get puzzled lol. Rudy
  2. Talk about old we are still running 3 1/3 supply line with a humat lol and our hose is from 1977 to 1980.
  3. This is somthing the fire service don't understand, our MB has a 237 and a 5 speed it has 41,xxxx miles on it and everyone that's not a Mack fan thinks the truck is shot because of the mileage. At 41 thousand its still a baby. Rudy
  4. Yeah those are the bodies I ment. I'm assume those trucks above all have front drive axles in them. Thanks for posting these pictures, I would post the one I have but its from a un named web site that don't approve of sharing. Rudy
  5. I only ever found 1 picture of a b81 or b80 anything with a euclid style dump body. A friend of mine seen one on a low boy going down the highway, he said it looked ready for.the scrapper. If anyone has pictures of.any trucks like this please post them if you can. Thanks Rudy
  6. Hi Shawn I'm still new to all with too. My truck dose the same thing, it smokes at idle and as soon as I move it there's no more smoke. My truck sat for 10 or 15 years and 5 plungers were stuck in the pump, I had to get them freed up for my truck to start. May be that's why my truck still smokes a little I'm not sure I can't take it on the road to see if it clears up all together, oh and welcome to the form. Rudy
  7. I'm looking for a set of Mack 55,000 rears that have the 30/30 style spring brakes. I'll be putting them under a b81 that has the old style brakes. Thanks Rudy.
  8. That looks good.
  9. I never saw all of "Deadhead Miles" but of the parts i seen i like when the truck brakes down and that guy dressed in black shows up in that old black dodge and tells him "diesel not like gas you can run down hill against the compression without some bodies going to pay the price"
  10. yeah at least they could do the decent thing and buy a mack,then they could be a big trucker all day long com"on
  11. Dave that Orange color that these dumps are painted is that a Mack color because that's the orange I want to paint my truck. Rudy
  12. Thanks for posting the email link. Rudy
  13. I guess I should of done this last year already,I been itching to know some things about my truck like if the engine is original and weather it was a dump or mixer and may be who bought it originally. I was told that they can print out attachments for my truck like the air brake system and power steering system. Thanks again guys for all your imput. Rudy
  14. beleave it or not I never made it there yet lol
  15. Dave thoses 2 dumps that my b81 was sitting in between those were both M model macks right, may be a little smaller then the ones in your pics above. Thanks for sharing those.
  16. Could anyone explain how I go about getting the info on my truck from the Mack museum like all you other guys got, do I call them or email them. I only live about 15 min away should I just go over there. Thanks Rudy
  17. yeah that's not too far from me.
  18. Where were these trucks built?
  19. Those are some bad ass trucks vlad,thanks for sharing.
  20. looks like your making good progress,way more then i am.
  21. Nice little b, looks like that one will fit in a garage easy.
  22. I wish I could find 3 MBs in a junk yard.
  23. Vlad what is that truck in the middle,the one the frame broke off ? That is a mean looking truck Rudy
  24. Vary nice bump truck. I had a 72 once I kinda miss it even though I'm not a Ford guy.
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