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Freightrain last won the day on February 3

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About Freightrain


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    Old trucks, drag racing

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Community Answers

  1. Had to go back and look at the picture. Interesting to see a wide nose on a B67 for sure.
  2. I put the NOS doors on my B. Had them painted all pretty, along with door panels with glass. Only problem is you have to drag and jam those panels on and it rips the paint up on the doors. Ugh. I tried tape but it only helped a tiny bit. Still bare metal spots 🤦🤦🤦
  3. Nice truck. Welcome aboard. Seems most Macks back in the day had contrasting paint on the frame. Looks good.
  4. They switched mine to metallic because of the 237, I didn't want it to slip. It is smooth as silk. It was very inexpensive and only took a couple days.
  5. Try calling these folks. They helped me. https://dwclutch.wpcomstaging.com/
  6. I had a conversation with a Schaefer representative. He recommended their 239S, 50w lube. The original GL1 is no longer around. $165 for a 5 gal pail. It is what I put in my rebuild. These transmissions due have brass bushings on each gear. Previously I did use 75w-90 or 85w-140 from AutoZone.
  7. Single or dual disc? My Triplex was 2" input, so that sounds correct. I don't remember diameter? 14-15"? I had mine rebuilt at DW Clutch in Maryland.
  8. Well, it runs. I through a couple batteries on it and thought I might just crank for some oil pressure. Nope, it fired up IMMEDIATELY!! Nothing but some fuel in the filter, no lines hooked up. Scared the hell out of me. I have since removed the broke brass fitting from pump so I could hook up some fuel. The primer is just and wouldn't prime it back up. Plus the check valve was missing from below it. I borrowed parts off the 237, primed it and lit it off. Runs fine, not any smoke from valve cover. Once I get some water into it, I will run it longer. I may not have to rebuild it?? I measured the pressure from breather and it was 1# using a pressure checker. I don't know what is acceptable or normal? I have like a 10 second video on my phone but will get something more later.
  9. Somehow, in Wally world.... I believe it! People today.....🤦
  10. Car transmissions are easy. You can carry them around.... 😆. I can do a Ford Toploader in my sleep.
  11. Thanks. I just kept picking away at it. Imagine if I had a clue what I was doing???
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