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Freightrain last won the day on August 2

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About Freightrain


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    Old trucks, drag racing

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Community Answers

  1. Merry Christmas back to you. Sounds like you have quite the plans in action. Enjoy and be safe.
  2. If it hasn't been pulled lately, I wouldn't move it until you know the linkage won't freeze up and leave the truck stuck where it's sitting! Not that those worked very well anyhow, but no sense in making matters worse.
  3. Cool wing windows! Didn't know those did that?
  4. Yup, always saw turn signal box on the upper left dash.
  5. I remembering see that write up someplace? Maybe someone here posted years ago?
  6. I followed the contour of the brace on the back of the cab. I then welded a piece of 16 ga for a flange to bolt the boot to. I mimiced the same outline on the bunk and cut the bigger boot down to fit and seamed it at the very bottom. Hasn't leaked yet.
  7. I had them on Photobucket and when that site went rogue I deleted all my pictures. I have some on Photoimage and now Google says it has issues and won't let me open it due to security issues. This site has limitations on photos so I can't just dump a bunch on here.
  8. Surely no Driptroit! 😆 Once you get the cab tipped you can look at the front of the accy drive( below right of water pump) and it will be stamped 676???? Not sure what the proper designation for 300? I would pull the side cover off the injection pump and as you roll motor over watch for all 6 pumps are moving up/down. They may be stuck. They look like valve springs and easy to see if they are moving. Might take a few taps to get them unstuck. My 237 had a few hang up from sitting a long time.
  9. He mentioned moving the wet line tank out of the way so he could hook to his trailer and not have the plate moved behind the rear axle. I doubt he would butcher it up but it's his so he can do what he wants. I always liked his red super. Matt's channel is good entertainment. Yup, live your life through theirs and not cost a dime.
  10. Looks great. Thanks for sharing.
  11. I did get the book and made a really quick read of it. Got through 3/4 of it by bed time the first day. I couldn't put it down, I wanted to know more and more. What a phenomenal job was done to complete this Dan. Thanks for the effort.
  12. Yes, 40ft racecar trailer.
  13. We have been talking for over a year about this project and coming up with ideas and parts. He was going to come to Ohio for something else and drop off and then that plan fell through. Now it is in my court. I am just looking at all avenues.
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