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Freightrain last won the day on February 3

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    Old trucks, drag racing

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  1. Just wondering if you knew anything about the truck accident on the ramp of I77 last Thursday. He had a load of slit coils on and they ended up in the back of his bunk. I was just curious what happened. 

    1. Freightrain


      I was caught in that mess.  I was only 1\2 mile behind it on my way home.  I was going to run through town but jumped on it 30 and north 77.  We were parked for about 20 minutes before they started to let traffic around on left berm.

      Didn't realize what had happened until I got right up on it. I was in far left lane and all the trucks blocked my view.  Everyone played nice and merged together to get around.  They had blocked 62 East ramp so there must have been something on that ramp also??

      I saw a med duty sized service truck diagonal in front of steel truck and I saw whatever was on trailer was into the rear of the bunk.  I tried to snap a picture but I'm not as handy as Otherdog and I missed it.  I wasn't going to hold up traffic and get the shot.

      I've been curious about the accident but haven't read/seen anything about it myself.

      We're you passing through?


    2. keg1


      The wife and I were on a little day trip and we're coming north and came to a stop just south of 30. I was in the left lane or I would have jumped on 30. They had the truck on berm of the off ramp when we went by. She said it looked like the front of the truck was crunched so I figured he probably rear ended someone on the ramp. Thanks for the reply just curious if you new anything

    3. Freightrain


      I searched online and no news reports.  Definitely someone changed lanes snd the two trucks got tangled at least.  I wondered since 62 was closed if there wasn't a vehicle over that embankment that I couldn't see?

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