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Everything posted by Freightrain

  1. Well, last night I buttoned up everything, including getting the floor back in. I found a leak in the transmission, seems one of the side bolts I left out in the rear box must be a through hole as it seeped fluid when I had the truck running the other night so I siliconed the bolts in and need to wait for that to set up before running it again. I also did a whoops the other night. I installed the air start tank before moving the fuel tank so it is stuck behind the truck and no room to wiggle it through with the air tank in the way. I put the tank up on the rear chassis and once I pull truck out I will install the tank. Luckily it runs off the driver's tank. I should be able to test drive it tonight? Weather is good, roads relatively clear. We will see.
  2. I looked at the shifter that was on my 5 spd that came with the 300+. It is the same mount. I think I can just purchase new ones and cut the handles off and reuse mine. Rebuilding them is a moot point. The sheet metal pocket the ball sits in is worn, the ball is worn, the pin is worn. Too much crap to deal with for what it is, if I can make others work.
  3. I think that is what I did before, I know I had to weld the pins in. I found a shifter on eBay, has Mack pt no. but not sure what it fits. Looks like correct mounting.
  4. Very nice!
  5. I still need shift towers. Now that I have them mounted, there is still plenty of slop in the handles. Nothing much I can do for them, I have been into them years back. Pins are worn, shift ball is worn. But that is for another day. Empty spot in garage I forgot to get the frame mounts cleaned and painted, so that is next but have driveshaft in, shifters on and a few other misc things attached. Once underside is done then I will get fuel and air tank back on so I can set truck back on the ground. Same Rustoleum gold I used on engine but this stuff sucks big time. No gloss, scratches off really easily. Oh well, nothing a bit of motor slobber won't cover 😟
  6. Well, it is back in the truck. Nothing hooked up, but it's in there. I will get on it tonight and start the long process of getting everything back off the floor!
  7. Any post put on here can be sent off the rails at any moment. Talk all you want!
  8. I have a Vendo Coke machine in my garage. Got it from a friend that got it from his work. The changer let the smoke out and they got rid of it. I did some fancy work, wired in a push button in the pull tab slot(ya, that should date the machine pretty well)and it works fine. It was .35 for a can. Late 70s unit, early 80. Doesn't have the lit of sign on front, wish it did. Yup, when I travel and stop for a pop and candy bar....$5 these days. 😧
  9. Ok, the third and final video is uploaded. https://youtu.be/7xwNVPeVC-w?si=-tmUF64DA_AAdVwu
  10. Well, a friend offered to stop over with his CAT service truck and unload the engine at home. So, now I can work on getting it set up to start. Loading it at work At home waiting for crane He also was nice enough to donate 10 gals of CAT 10w-40 oil to the cause. Thanks!! Will wait on another warm up in the weather so I can tinker with it.
  11. Even if it doesn't go far, going on newer tires that aren't bombs is a plus. 2002 I paid $250/ tire and $50/ rim = $1800 total. It's gone up just a bit.....
  12. I came across this with Google. https://www.agkits.com/mack-oil-pan-gasket-579gb412a.aspx Not exactly sure, but I searched 673 Mack oil pan.
  13. Ya, I spent nearly $3000 last spring on four new drive tires!
  14. I'll work on PT 3 tonight. Not sure it will get uploaded until tomorrow night. It takes like 2-3 hrs to edit and save and 2-3 to download.
  15. Part 2 is up. https://youtu.be/tmAuiNXWrwg?si=g6M65ukMGaQFCpGt
  16. Well, I won't win any academy awards for this.....but I got Part 1 of the transmission rebuild video posted. I really didn't plan this out well enough to make it "professional" looking. By the time I downloaded all of the clips I had 1.5 hrs worth! 😲 So I clipped it into 3 segments and have #1 linked here. Pt 2 is edited and ready to post, then I will get the last part done. https://youtu.be/Nm25TRz7CBw?si=U1YaWvHCsNCjSuDA
  17. Friend used to work for Adelmans truck yard here in town. Big place. They offer "rebuilt" transmissions and rearends. He was forced into doing a spray paint rebuild on some stuff. He didn't stay long. They figured it either would outlast the warranty or you would have to come back and get another one. Play the odds on that!
  18. You can see the floor is already gray from overspray. I was putting it on as thin as possible. I want the color to be a thick coat.
  19. Kinda partial to dark Ford blue. 😉 I was leaning towards the factory color but then I figure gold would match the engine(and easier to get in spray can). I have time as it is going to get crappy out for a week and I want to hang it on the crane outside to paint it. Better then getting everything in the garage covered in color!
  20. I almost have it done. I have rear box cover glued on. I have the rear tail housing seal replaced, yoke has new speedi sleeve, and yoke installed and torqued. I installed brass bushing in aux shift tower as one shaft was pretty loose. Should reduce slop and noise. I have paper to cut new main box cover gasket. I installed new TOB on the carrier and prelubed it. Just need to chose what color? Grey/green or just make it gold like the engine. I bombed some gray primer on it to just cover the surface rust after cleaning it.
  21. Many old twin screw boats had CW and CCW engines. Funny story: motor shop I use has Dyno room. They were trying to get a 427 FE running. Just wouldn't do it. They were stumped until someone realized it was turning wrong way. Some way they got their hands on a LH starter and it was cranking it backwards. Doh.
  22. Can't be more then a ford pickup cab. I pulled my 69 off 30+ yrs ago. Four guys no problem. No room for rotisserie, so I had to just lay it down on the back wall to replace the cab mounts. Just put a thick blanket down to keep from damaging the original paint.
  23. The support just kinda came to me, then the addition of being able to upend to install the back box was perfect.
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