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Everything posted by Freightrain

  1. The original truck was not the one run through the sign. If you look at the final scene you can tell the interior is trashed and the steering wheel is multi colored, unlike in earlier scenes. Don't know where the original one went? There is a family here I know in the truck club that is all about the W model. They have a line of them at the shop(just up from my work). His son has a really nice version with black/white paint(just like blue mule) with 318 and air start. Look up in the last Showtime for Ryan Van Newkirk.
  2. I just hit my local starter shop years back and bought a 12v starter. Don't have part numbers, but it should not be hard to get the right starter and electrical for it. I used a standard Ford solenoid mounted where the original s/p switch was at. I used my existing starter wire to kick that solenoid to engage the starter. Has worked flawless for 14 yrs.
  3. I have my hot rods covered with C/Skelley. I needed road side assistance a couple years ago. Covered 100%, no deductible. Roll back showed up, towed car home and then drove away. I liked it.
  4. State farm. Yes, the agent can help or hurt. Mine was very helpful. Unfortunately I got a letter this Xmas telling me that she is retiring and someone else will be handling my stuff. Ugh, we will see.
  5. Are you sure it's "level"?..............LOL!!!
  6. Just a week ago, I saw an Avalanche(you know, 4dr with little bed on the back that is covered), with a mattress strapped to the roof. Seems their "truck" wasn't much of a truck when you can't haul anything with it. I do have to comment. The "mini" truck has been around since, what? the 70's? The Datsun, Chevy Luv, ranger, S10. All great, but I agree, not what you would call "truck of the year". But I suppose it is all in WHO you ask. Kinda like the last election?
  7. I was trying to figure out the letters, either PJ or RJ.
  8. Oh, don't worry, I got mine for free! It was a hand-me-down from a buddy that wasn't going to use it. I just had to drive an hour to get it. I did my fair share of customizing to fit my B. I did all the work myself, including the new front wall using vinyl from local sewing shop. For a rookie I think it turned out pretty nice. I had a bad day a few years ago and tore up the RR corner and passenger door. I have it cut apart, just trying to fab the pieces to make it one again. I found what I think is a matching version of mine, in red, in Minnesota, for $1200. Yikes.
  9. I always start mine and let the boxes run while building air. With my added aux, I run it in neutral and let the the front boxes run to loosen up. Neat project.
  10. Very cool. Sorry to hear about your friend/wife. I see power pole setting equipment and a bucket truck, so some kind of construction company? Would be really cool if it was 6x6!
  11. Dang, my eyes lit up when I saw Bentz sleeper. I'm trying to fix my boo boo from a couple years ago and hope to maybe find another bunk to just replace it. Mine has the tapered front corners. Can't offer much assistance as for cutting the truck to fit. When I did my B model I cut it out to match the bracing on the back of the cab and adjusted the bunk to match. I then cut and adjusted the original boot to fit. No problems, never a leak. Then I had to go bang it up....ugh.
  12. Even though the king pins were replaced, was it done correctly? Was the vertical clearance checked? I had issues(shake) with my B and I found out the bearing caps needed tightening to get rid of the vertical slop(I replaced the pins about 10 yrs prior). Once I tightened it up again, smooth as glass.
  13. I never knew how many people I know had cancer at some point. When all the racers in my group heard about Karen last spring, I lost track of the number that came up and told me their survivor story. I was totally blown away. One just got it in his intestines this fall. Had a foot or so removed.
  14. Glad ya got no low bridges on the way to your place!!! Nice toy. Everyone needs a towmotor once in their life(or twice).
  15. I have a Lowe's metal shed. Like $200 and it came with a free floor kit(the metal part, no wood), it is 7x9? Or close to it. Ya, 300,000 little metal screws, took me a couple evenings to assemble it with a screw gun. Took only one tree limb to just about destroy it a few years back. Yup, that tree is gone now, but the roof of the shed is still mangled and not very dry inside due to the large openings in the roof. I've wanted to get a larger version for more junk, though the township can likely tell me to tear it down due to being "over" my square footage for outbuildings. Ugh, damn laws. I was going to put a large wood shed(like 10x20) up but called to just inquire about it being "legal" and even though it is not on a foundation it is still considered part of my square footage and I can't put it up. Dammit.
  16. Glad to hear. My g/f went through breast cancer this past year. Had a 3" tumor removed from left breast. Radiation, diet, pills has it in control. Now the concern is it might work its way down to ovaries. That surgery is scheduled for February. Stay strong!!
  17. Got my custom version.
  18. Well, it works. I left the aux in neutral and set the Mack boxes in 5th OD and ran it up to 60 mph and calibrated it. I then was able to set it and accel/decal it, cancel and resume it. Works really well. Time will tell next spring when I can get it out on the road but I think it will do just fine. The issue with running two things off the single sending unit, seems like a moot point. The speedo held the same speed no matter what I did with the cruise. It didn't flicker to change drastically. I'm pretty excited.
  19. I got a BIG mouth!!!!!!
  20. look....Squirrel........ Lol! Thats ok Mike.
  21. Mike, this is for the radiator shutters, not the wipers. My wipers work fine.
  22. Nope, I'll fix the air solenoid. I'm crafty enough to make it work better. It works, but it bleeds a lot of air.
  23. Paul, thanks, I can never remember his screen name to search it quickly. Brocky, ya, I know................. If I could just get my spoke/rims blasted and repainted I wouldn't mind them so much. They were pretty nice looking 15 yrs ago when I bought the truck and painted everything, but the old spray bomb paint has done faded away. Alum budds would just give it some easy "bling" to doll it up some. I would even take steel 5 holes painted? I just want to clean it up some.
  24. I know the bore is a common size, like 1 3/4"? I know it shouldn't be too hard to find, but..... My truck used to puke oil when the compressor needed rebuilt. Everything(like the wiper motor and this) was FULL of sludge. I cleaned it up and it does work. Just hisses a lot til it gets fully closed. I'm sure this is another reason why my truck loses air so quickly after shutdown.
  25. I tried doing a quick search for his build, but couldn't find it. Yup, he cut, welded and ground it down so you could not see it.
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