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Everything posted by Freightrain

  1. Mine lay flat fine and start ok. They are a bit slow, even on "fast" mode. I think all the oil from the old compressor has got them gunk'd up pretty bad. I cleaned out my shutter cylinder, I think maybe I need to pull the wipers down and clean it out too? Maybe this winter since it's inside now? I thought about making an electric unit(I think I could fab something from donor parts). The motor part is pretty simple since it's hanging out there in the open.
  2. Very clean looking R! Nice job. Love to hear that Jimmy talk.
  3. Yup, that's what I did Rick! (less the 16" shcs stickin out the back LOL )
  4. I finally got my little clip put to my laptop last night. Now if I can only "edit" out the bad parts..>LOL!! Still a rookie at the editing part of the program.
  5. Rick, sounds like my set up exactly. Nothing cut or modified. Simply slip alt onto mount, slip on spacer to take up space and bolt it on. My alt. came with double pulley, so I used stock belts. Worked slick'r than snot LOL!! The only thing I had to "make work" was the adjuster arm. I think I had to weld an extension on it to make it reach far enough. It's been 4 yrs since I did this....so it's a bit hazy in memory! Ain't looked under the hood enough to recall either(good thing! ). I can get a picture if you still like one?
  6. I put a 100 amp alternator on my 673. I used the original mount bracket and made a pipe spacer to locate the alt. in perfect position for the belt. Lots of miles on it with never an issue. I guess it depends on the alternator that you use? I'm not sure what mine is? I can get a picture and post it to show how mine is.
  7. Not factory looking totally, but I've seen terminal strips with screws before. Hardware store should have them. Various length/number screws. I might have some original ones in a box, might poke around and see if I find any?
  8. Great job! (just another envious, rusty truck owner hoping to someday do what you are)
  9. I think I have a few pieces left. Have to poke around, but seems I moved some just the other day when I was working in the basement?
  10. Holy SHNIKEY'S Santa Claus..................like Doug said....they think we're nuts. That was pretty cool!
  11. Looks great!! Some day....some way....I'll get to do one like that! Perfect in every detail.
  12. Now that's COOL!!! Could you imagine the ol B trying those doubles..>LOL!!!!!!
  13. "This is a nice old truck - almost no rust at all, in fact, it still has original green paint on the floorboards." What climate controlled museum did you dig this out from...LOL!!! Sounds like a really great find. I'm hoping you get some pictures up soon.
  14. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, I think they hit that right on Barry. That is one sharp looking truck, no questions. I like the squared nose and "straighter/flatter" hood line. Those anteater's just don't have any class to them. Now, if they only came with two sticks....LOL!!!!!
  15. These old trucks always fall into the "what are you willing to pay for it" routine. Is it a good deal to you? Personally, without looking at it, I don't think it's a bad price. How's the tires? body/rust?, brakes? etc? How much do you plan on using it, and how roadworthy is it? This topic gets discussed alot, and I think most will agree with what I have said so far. Welcome to BMT and Good luck with the truck.
  16. I would think it would have to do with weight rating? I can't say for sure what my B is 5 or 6?
  17. Are they 50/50 Tee's? Not going to shrink too much? Heavy or lightweight? Just so everyone knows. Just might have to give you a jingle Barry.
  18. Ya, it will always seem to get you there. Just alot slower than other modes of transportation. I've pulled Fancy Gap with my '00 PSD dually(with trailer) and ran 55 mph without pushing it. I don't think the ol B would do as well, as you have seen!
  19. When I was about 10 my dad drove me/sister to IL rail museum. The Zepher was sitting out front. Too long ago to remember any details. I've poked around the speeder sites. Looks like alot of fun, especially for a railfan. Like before...just what I need, another hobby!! LOL!
  20. Got a big turbo hooked to that 673? LOL!! Mine don't do bad for 45 yrs old. How heavy is your trailer/speeder combo? My race trailer is 14K. You don't get left behind...except when the hills too long! I don't think I would want to try the WV turnpike or Fancy gap!
  21. Simply STUNNING color combo! The speeder on the back is cool too!
  22. Tires and gearing have everything to do with it. I would bet Trent has it nailed if it's all original. Most of these truck weren't geared to run much faster than that back then. Most guys set them up better now to keep up with traffic.
  23. I'd say the picture is a B81SX (of sorts). Variations could apply, but that's what it basically looks like. Tall standing, 24" rubber, long hood gives it away.
  24. Neat picture John! Mine is not real bad for noise. Guess it could be worse. Nothing is loud when you're a kid though...LOL!!
  25. Neat picture John! Mine is not real bad for noise. Guess it could be worse.
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