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Everything posted by Freightrain

  1. Lookin good so far Trent. Looks like you got the fenders hung on okay.
  2. Are you talking about he valve on the dash that controls wipers?? I pulled mine off, took rear plate off, installed new o-ring and put back together. Been a couple years and still holding pretty well. Watch how you remove hoses, mark them or wipers will not work correctly. Yup, been there too. There are a couple variations of control valves so they are not all the same. Yup, been there too.
  3. I know a "fishhook" on another diesel site. He's a driver, so I was think'n maybe it was same guy? He's in SW OHio.
  4. I "think" I still have one 40 gal tank sitting out back. Even have a few sets of brackets too(straps were cut though?). I'm pretty sure the "web" of step is no longer there, but tank is in decent shape. I can get you pictures if you like. Where are you located? I'm in Ohio. I know I have seen aluminum versions made..but not sure of the money to do it? Not cheap I would guess.
  5. Fishhook huh? You wouldn't be Greg would you?
  6. My floor was a bit rough in my B61, so I just cut it all out(all the way around the perimeter of cab, up to the center floor panel). I then cut 16 ga to fit around center panel(that I made new framework for) and welded it all in. I put a center cross brace between rocker panels for seat bracket to sit on. Solid as a rock now. I used to have pictures posted on here(on old forum, but they got deleted).
  7. Sounds like someone already upgraded the electrics? Does the truck have any kind of radio in it?? This would confirm they switched to neg. ground(most likely). It also sounds like there is a serious short issue if the battery cables are arcing trying to hook them up. With the truck shut down, you should be able to hook the batteries either way and not see a spark. Now, if something on the truck is shorted, somehow, then it would cause sparks when hooking up the batteries. Time to do some investigating, trace the battery cables, check the wiring and see if something is crossed somewhere.
  8. You can just put the turbo on, but you'll need the pump redone to match to actually put the fuel needed to make power. I've considered this, but don't want to screw up a nice running engine. The non turbo motors don't have oil cooled pistons and that adds to the possibility of scoring up cylinders. Not that it can't be done, and survive, but I'll just hold out for a new motor.....someday.
  9. Geez Barry. Never realized that much stuff was hiding back there...LOL!! Must have had my blinders on when I was there!
  10. I saw that Blue U model on trucktraderonline. It's listed at $8500 right now! Geez...where's the gold grabhandles?
  11. Just looking at it...I'd say $2000 MAX. I'm sure that's still too much really, but I guess it depends on how bad you want it. For $7500 I would expect a new motor/tranny or at least recent rebuild on them, plus some new tires. Way too used up for that kind of money. That's just my .01
  12. Do you notice in that scene that the front right wheel is locked and the front of the trailer is ripped open...........THEN..............in the funeral procession it's all nice and shiny new again
  13. There was a red B model on Ebay last year with 318 in it. Don't remember all the details...it was from out west somewhere?
  14. Ya, Big Nasty's truck.......pulling the doubles. Seems I see alot of s/a on Ebay.
  15. I got my reproduction owners manual out and was poking around my pump last week. Following the book, I found that my WOT setting was about .007 tighter set than the book states. I asked Mike what that meant and he stated that means it was "turned up". Meaning it's letting the rack go FARTHER(letting more fuel) under load. It's not drastic, but I would not say that my truck smokes heavy at all. Under load it makes a nice trail from the pipes is all. That's fine with me, as I don't think there is much more power to be had from this motor and screwing up a good running motor is not the plan.
  16. Must be the 300+?? Mine does not get warm at all. What for insulation do you have?? Anything more than rubber mat? I have carpet, rubber and 1" jute to help with noise.
  17. I plan on putting a 5th wheel back on the truck and convert my trailer to a pin (instead of ball). I want to be able to actually use the truck again for a real trailer if need be. With the springs cut down and a g/n ball it is completely useless. With the air ride I can ease the pain on the nose of my trailer, but still carry a real trailer too. I've got a couple connections around here that I was going to enquire. I'll email ya Mike and talk. Thanks Larry
  18. Ok, just so I have an idea what I can look for........... I was putting thought into converting my B over to air ride. My first thought is leave the rear in truck, but get air ride suspension parts and bolt to everything I have. So, the question is: Will my original rear housing accept an air ride suspension?? I would assume it would, but just thought I would ask before I try to locate parts. I'm thinking Pete leaf, or Neway, or newer Mack maybe?? Something I can pick up cheap, put some new bushings/bags on and bolt it up. I have a few connections that I might get stuff pretty cheap..but wanted to find out what might NOT fit. I'm figuring that if I don't have to get the rearend too, it will be real cheap. Any thoughts?
  19. What about the small circular panel at bottom of door?? This is the lower stop?? It needs removed before the assy can come out...doesn't it?? It's been like 4 yrs since I played with them.
  20. My State Farm guy has no problems with me.
  21. Will it not be stamped on front of accy drive cover??(in front of inj. pump) Mine is stamped 673P (starter low pass. side) Not sure if the 711 is stamped as such? Never saw one to know. The later model 711's had extra head bolts in corners.
  22. Is it not on rear of tranny?? You should be able to see it if you look under rear of cab?
  23. Glad you could do it Fred. Neat story. Being a drag racer.............there was a fellow racer that passed away from cancer a few years back and his last request was a trip down the track. So.........on the way to cemetary the hearse made a pit stop, the owner opened the track and he made...one more pass... Larry
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