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    waco tx

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    I'm a mechanic at Roberts truck and equipment

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  1. Check on the flywheel
  2. Ok this is my 1st post. I'm working on a 95 Mack e7 manual pump with electric governor,the truck has been to 3 other shops and no one can figure it out. Her are my issues. Truck starts up and dies. When ruck finally ckanks and stays running it idles fine no smoke. When you raid the engine rpms it goes it to derate mode I guess,where the engine surges the rpm come up and back down with the pedal on the floor. The prolink shows throddle % at 100 and isworkibg fine. Also found injector not fireing , replaced injestor. Checked all timing sensors ohm out sensors all checked good. Also found when the derate mode is acting up it throwsa engine speed sensor code and a file rate sparagic code and when u let engine ldle codes go inactive. Found timing was set at 10degrees past TDC,adjusted timing to .5 degree past what valve cover says. And now engine starts and dies won't stay running. Thinking about pulling the pump off to have checked. Does anyone know anything about this mess??
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