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Everything posted by jonesy_9

  1. thanks so much for the input. I will do just that. This was very helpful.
  2. I noticed some one else talking about the camelback suspension and the bushings between the axles just below the hump of the springs. Then I seen the picture of the crossmember bar or what ever it is cracked really bad. Anybody know what's going on there? I have a 1991 mack 350, dump truck. I have replaced those bushings twice and It looks as though they are completely worn out again. It hasnt been that long since last replaced. It looks as though the bushing keeps wearing out the casing it is in. In fact I believe we replaced that casing and everything the last time we changed the bushings. I am seeing lots of problems in this area. If any one has any advice for me, please get back with me. Thank you for your time. It is greatly appreciated.
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