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  1. Yeah I thought of that also maybe a shut off valve , seat is a stock seat replaced about a year ago. I tuged on the line I see nothing moving under the cab is why I asked
  2. Yeah I sprayed everything with bubble soap I could see, in the morning seat is down
  3. 19 granite does anyone know how the air line runs to the seat, goes into the plastic behind the seat trying to find a leak i cant hear
  4. Finally got it installed, $ 3200 , they had to drill the holes in the frame
  5. I'm finally getting the transverse torque rod put on mack is ordering parts and will let me know when to bring it in quoted 3200 bucks
  6. vinny933


    I was on a chat with a tech he seems to think it's the doc, he said I could try this trick
  7. vinny933


    Well there was some patches, tried it again today after a little bit at 99% same error. All it's missing it seems is cool down message, soot level reset and all seems fine. I also changed 7th injector. I'm gonna call diesel laptops see if it's them or I need to go to a dealer
  8. vinny933


    Yes everything no codes no lights on
  9. vinny933


    From what I can google seems like a tech tool problem
  10. vinny933


    Forgot to add after I unplugged the computer it said low power
  11. vinny933


    Did a forced regen with tech tool, went to 99% then got error code soot level was down to 10% though. Anyone know what this means
  12. Ok getting new saddles put on tomorrow, then heading straight to mack there gonna put the transverse torque bar on and make sure u bolts are tight.
  13. He has an air one
  14. I'm just fishing here I'm at a loss for words, I noticed they don't lube u bolt threads or washers, 20 years ago use to put never sieze on them so won't bind
  15. Could they be using the wrong u bolts round instead of flat, mack gave me a parts breakdown list I'm gonna check when I get home . Doesn't seem to fit tight on the top
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