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Everything posted by vinny933

  1. I figured I post this to help someone else out . Turns out my windshield seal has bin leak since just over a year old and I never saw it. Made lights go wacky and wipers after heavy rain about 6 trips to the dealer over 3 years they finally found leak and it was leaking on the light control module finally fixed
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  2. I thought I had fixed the code I was having by changing the light switch but it wasn't. Seems windshield was leaking and got lcm wet I want to check the plugs to it. How hard is it to get to 2019 granite
  3. Well turned out it was the switch,figured I let you guys know incase it happens to someone else
  4. Well I see I got views , gonna change the switch today.if the truck sits overnight the blue switch lights work , code still there if I turn switch off then back on they stop working
  5. 2019 granite ,ok here is the problem if i start the truck with headlight switch off i get this code and check is lite up on dash with lcm code. if i turn the headlight switch on and start the truck no code as soon as i turn switch off code pops up . could this be a bad switch ? or wire or lcm. i had it at mack they said everything was good when i picked it up as soon as i stated it code poped up. didnt go back in they where closing and i had to work
  6. ok i will check it tomorrow coolant level in the plastic tank looked full though, thanks
  7. 2019 granite got a pop up message , check coolent at next service interval . what does this mean it went away. called mack no clue
  8. About 2 months ago had a new steering box put on by the dealer. Steering would get stuck turning left, they did a pump pressure test 2555 cold 1500 turn left or right hit hard spot turning would drop to 750. Ok now my problem is can't turn the steering wheel left or right while stopped an loaded 2019 granite triaxle dump. Is this box garbage or do I need a pump ?
  9. Yes center piece then right panel then 2 screws holding in filter
  10. Well figured it out , it for trailer hookup plug
  11. R3 relay lights where blinking wipers going when I turned key on, pulled this relay under hood and it stopped everything works. Is this relay for a wire to the back of the truck for a trailer hookup it's a 2019 granite triaxle dump no trailer plug in the back
  12. Wondering if this was ever resolved
  13. Is there a filter in the reservoir? If so how often do you change it
  14. That seems cold my 2019 runs 225 goes 235 or so pulling
  15. 2019 granite squeak in dash I think I found it.took the top panel off and I look in the little square holes, there seems to be what looks like a computer box I can move with long screw driver moved it around and now it stopped. Does anyone know if a screw came loose or it kinda lays there ?
  16. Take the cover off the unit an clean the coil , guaranteed to be full of dirt
  17. Wipers seem to get stuck for a second on delay. When I asked the dealer he told me wiper motor is not in warranty. Has anyone had this problem and is it the motor ?
  18. i have a cricket sounding rattle seems like its coming from behind this panel. does this panel just pop off ? picture off the web
  19. Does anyone know the part number ,what it's called mack says it's back ordered. The felt is gone off the rubber..the part that's circled.
  20. I bought a set from them had no problems
  21. 1-1 oil pressure switch 1-2 atmospheric pressure sensors 1-3 fuel temperature sensor 1-4 sensors of atmospheric air 1-6 there is no start of the starter 1-7 level of a cooling liquid 1-8 (ASET CEGR) Estimated fan speed% 1-10 fan relay relay 2-1 engine coolant sensor 2-2 (ASET IEGR) air pressure sensor level high 2-2 (ASET CEGR) air pressure high 2-3 low air sensor 2-4 oil level sensor low 2-5 oil sensor 2-6 oil sensor 2-7 oil sensor 2-8 (ASET CEGR) temperature sensor 2-9 (ASET CEGR) temperature sensor 3-1 exhaust temperature sensor 3-2 engine speed sensor 3-3 high speed motor 3-4 engine position sensors 3-5 engine brake position number 1 3-6 engine brake position number 2 3-8 position of separator 3-10 (ASET CEGR) engine brake position No. 3 4-1 speed sensor (VSS) 4-2 cooling fan 4-3 of auxiliary products No. 1 4-4 of auxiliary products No. 2 4-5 (ASET IEGR) position Wastegate 4-5 (ASET CEGR) position transmitter VTG 4-6 tachometer 4-7 speedometer 4-8 Customer Defined Statement 4-9 (ASET CEGR) EGR valve mechanism 5-1 Throttle Position Sensor 5-2 Throttle Position Sensor Voltage 5-3 engine fault lamp 5-5 Lamp failure 5-6 Emergency Relay No. 3 5-7 engine oil level 5-8 (ASET CEGR) temperature EGR 5-9 (ASET CEGR) EGR mass flow 6-1 fuel level 6-2 (ASET CEGR) turbocharger speed 6-3 J1708 / J1587 Communication 6-4 J1939 communication 6-5 engine control unit malfunction 6-6 malfunction of the fuel management modules 6-7 main relay 6-8 J1939 communication 6-9 ECU fault 7-1 service brake switch 7-2 Parking brake switch 7-3 Speed adjustment switch 7-4 switch SUMMARY speed adjustment 7-5 Battery / Voltage of Alternator 7-6 switched voltages 7-7 Exhaust Temp Reference 7-9 VTG actuators 8-1 electronic injector pump No. 1 8-2 electronic injector pump No. 2 8-3 electronic injector pump No. 3 8-4 electronic injector pump No. 4 8-5 electronic injector pumps No. 5 8-6 electronic injector pumps No. 6 8-9 solenoid voltages 9-1 transport protocol 9-2 reset of the main relay without ignition 9-3 (ASET CEGR) intercooler outlet temperature 9-5 (ASET CEGR) compressor 9-8 (ASET CEGR) auxiliary output device No. 1 9-9 (ASET CEGR) auxiliary output device No. 2 9-10 (ASET CEGR) auxiliary output device No. 3 10-1 (ASET CEGR) internal sensor voltage 10-2 (ASET CEGR) 5 bolt supplies 10-3 (ASET CEGR) sensor voltage No. 1 10-4 (ASET CEGR) Sensor supply voltage No. 2 10-5 (ASET CEGR) Fuel differential pressure filter 10-6 (ASET CEGR) fuel pressure 10-7 (ASET CEGR) odometer 10-8 (ASET CEGR) GPS position data not received 10-9 (ASET CEGR) Reset Timer
  22. to top it off I would have got it to them at 3 oclock they close 530 , they told me 2 and a half hours was not enuff time to fix it hahaha . if they had the pipe
  23. Yeah for some reason pictures are turned gotta turn it right it comes out the def system to the stack
  24. Seems this is happening to everyone mack is working on fix dealer told me .in the mean time cant get new replacement as it is backordered mack dealer cant get one
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