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    /wrenching, trucks, Jeeps. Metal fabrication, Rock crawling

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  1. We have atleast 5 of them in Ontario CA all gas V10's
  2. from what tech support told me we need to upgrade to tech tool 2.04 and we should be good
  3. New fangled stuff gets better eh. Overall our Macks are doing pretty well since the oil press issue got resolved. Neither can you beat Mack's waranty
  4. Any input on the fan clutch conversions for the MP7 and MP8's It's a good thing to get rid of the big oil filled clunker, however we are having trouble with getting the ecm's reflashed to get them to cycle properly. There are two versions a smaller oil filled one that is electronically controlled and the Horton air fan clutch. We had a mobile guy from the Mack dealer come out and he couldn't find the correct reflash either.
  5. We are pretty religious about changing air dryer cartridges. Haven't found a single one yet that had oil in it. We have found some that had carbon from the exhaust in the solenoids and ports. Seems like exhaust gas feeds back through the injector
  6. Any known worthwhile resolution for the prematurely failing diesel doser modules and injectors? On our trucks it seems to be twice yearly tradition to change these. The older style diesel doser setup is way more reliable and trouble free
  7. Pretty sure Mack specifies 350.000 miles for a dpf cleaning
  8. Have had a similar problem with several of our trucks. behind the instrument cluster on ours is a data cable to the driver timecard data communication unit that plugs in to a 9 pin connector that Y's of the diagnostic connector which seriously messes with the 1939 communication. Unplug the cable for that Y connector if you have one and see what happens. Doesn't hurt to check ohm resistance between the yellow and green wire at the diagnostic connector with the key off. Should be 60 ohms plus or minus a few
  9. You might be on to something, since they switched to 10w30, which is a requirment for their delivery van fleet, the problem has definitely gotten worse.
  10. Not that steep ,just a long constant grade on the highway. The grade is brutal on a hot summer day it's hard to keep count of all the cars and trucks that overheat on the side of the road. The main point is that just about any 2010-2011 Mack truck with a MP7 engine that goes over that grade comes up with this issue. Also what is the oil pressure spec for these engines? And would high engine load, low RPM into high a gear and the resulting heat built up and then the piston cooling jets spraying more oil have something to do with it?
  11. Oil senders are good, All the trucks (about 20) have had all but the last update done to them. This is not just one truck, almost any one of them, will do this when they drive it up this fairly steep 15 mile long hill climb
  12. Almost all our Mack trucks with the mp7 engine seem to experience a low oil pressure problem when pulling long grades. The engine warning light will come on and the pressure gauge will read low oil pressure and not long after the engines will shut down. This only happens going up a long fairly steep grade, but numerous of our trucks do this. The upgrade tomthe engines for the oil pump idler gear or what ever upgrade required the back of these engines to come apart has done. Anybody can give me a cure for this problem. Not a good thing when a fully loaded truck goes up hill and the engine dies. Thanks in advance
  13. Several codes Kept popping up ran the test to clear the derate , def pump just kept running but would not built any pressure or inject any def. Both trucks are still at the local dealer. Whats with the latest greatest upgrade to the EGR differential tubes? Seems like they did a pretty radical upgrade on those.
  14. We have 20 of the 2010/2011 Mack trucks with the mp 7 engine right now we have the third one with a def problem first one has a harness problem, on the last two the def pumkps activate but will not built pressure. Is this a pump failure? The pumps on both trucks run but will not built pressure. Is there a serviceable part in the pump or an electrically activated valve that causes this? Thanks in advance. By the way all 3 trucks have around 200.000 miles on them
  15. Thanks, will try the back in service tomorrow, if not will do the back to back regens. I have seen the DEF pump loss of power code on about 5-6 different trucks now all with a milage between 200.000 to 300.000 miles. 1 2011 MP8 and the others are all 2010 MP7's. Corrosion isn't a terribly big problem in our neck of the woods even though we had to replace a bunch of engine harnesses on older Macks. On the MP7's we have they are all getting new harnesses and the oilpump updates, that have anything to do with it?
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