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Pedigreed Bulldog
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dds92780 last won the day on March 20 2015

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    aurora illinois

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    trucking and the beauty of a well taken care of mack
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  1. I wanted to make my 95 rd into a superliner but everyone on here Said its not worth it and not possible so i gave up and I bought a pete 379 I bought this instead Cost 3 times as much as the mack but oh well at this point.
  2. Well here is an update on the driver fender. I drilled a half inch hole in fender liner right where the dent is And had my buddy who is a paintless dent repair technician fix it. I will have to take pictures when I get back to the shop. pretty impressed what was able to be done though
  3. Damn
  4. Good digging!!!
  5. Someone buy this. Im looking forward to seeing who gets it and for what price
  6. wow, after seeing all the other wrecks on that website it seems like you found a gem with that superliner. looks nice!!!
  7. buy an eldorado vip seat from canada. It will be about 1200 shipped to you. It is a dramatic difference in ride quality. I have 44k rears and a 188 wb and i have a 22 foot dump trailer with spring suspension and that seat makes a HUGE difference. It allows your knees to stay in one spot but your your pelvis moves up and down when you hit bumps. Get the arm rests with it and tighten them up and you literally rest your elbows on the armrests and wrists on the steering wheel all day, no problem. IF a huge bump comes up all you have to do is push down with your elbows on the arm rests. I love the seat so much i am debating putting one in my air ride pete. Good luck
  8. Wow, that Looks like such a pain in the ass. Thank you for your help and the pictures
  9. Yea one of my good buddies does pdr. He might be able to something even if it gas the fender liner on it
  10. Yea for me the most difficult part is getting access
  11. I might just leave it. You can't see it with closed
  12. Hey guys I hope someone out there will chime in that has knowledge on this I have a 379 pete with aluminium hood and fenders. There is a quarter size dent on the driver fender but you can't see it unless the hood is open. I have friends that know how to take dents out but the problem is getting access to the dent. On the underside of the fender there is what is called a fender liner that Ind glued in. Anyone removed that liner to fix a dent? How did you do it?
  13. Badass progression pics. Superliners are awesome
  14. Definitely awesome!. Looks like it says cat on the Mudgaurds. I bet there is a fat kitty sleeping under that hood. Awesome colors too
  15. Wow. Quite a clutch there!!!
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