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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. It's easier to talk into text these days. I used to use a flip phone and it was very easy to text and drive without looking because i had the keys all memorized, but when you get a good smartphone like the S3 Heres what you can do. You can talk to text, you can use navigation, you can download programs to listen to music even through the phone or bluetooth or connect to the aux port and play it that way. You can be listening to music through the phone and streaming and if you like the song and want to remember it, you just swipe three fingers across the screen and save a screenshot, and the biggest plus is that if you take a video, pause a part of it, swipe across it , save the image as a screenshot, go into you gallery and there you have a picture within a video that you can zoom in and crop! Another good feature i have found on the phone is that when you are talking on it, look at the keypad when its lit up and on the upper right there is an icon for a speaker, you hit it and it makes the earpiece way louder, kinda like a motorola, I have had iphone, many sprint and us cell phones, i have seen them all, blackberry isn't great for a truck driver, S3 gets my vote for ease of use and technology! hope i helped.
  2. How often do you guys double clutch? I found that its very useful for climbing a hill and getting in the gear quickly to get torque going again quicker. Is it a good practice to do this all day long when loaded or just when you feel you need it? My dad was saying thats how we were taught back in the day to shift and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you are not slipping it. So this is how i do it. I go to around 1600 1700 and just as i get it out of gear i put the clutch about 50 - 70 percent down and it goes right in ( most of the time) and its a smooth transition. Is this how you all do it? Or do you have any tips? Will this wear out the clutch faster and require the clutch to be adjusted more frequently and should be avoided or is it just fine to do as long as you do it right?
  3. Thats all really good info. So a ch is not lighter than an R? I always see ch's having such a light empty weight, and i figured it was because the body is aluminum and mine is steel and some other factors. lets say both trucks have aluminum wheels all around and one is an RD and one is a ch, each has a 350 and a 9 speed in it. the ch has air ride and the R has springs. I heard that springs arent that much heavier or are heavier at all. Is there any proof of this?
  4. So i was talking to my dad about this too. He has a 96 pete and it says on the glove box the empty weight. That was kinda neat of pete to do that. My old truck that was a 89 R686ST had a double frame and a 300 e6 and a twin stick and it weighed 300 pounds less than my current truck. he said its because the double frames were not as good and the single frame i have is for very heavy duty. I don't suppose the trans are that much different in weight or not? Mine is a 9speed fuller and the other was a twin stick non air shift. Both trucks had springs. What is the difference in 44000 pound springs and 34000? I ask this because when i had my trunions out last year and had my spring packs replaced, i wanted to get it lighter and get a lighter spring and the mechanic either said at the time, they don't make or i couldnt get it or it wasnt a good idea. never the less i ended up with the stock 44000 though, is it about a 300 pound difference too?
  5. What is that sound when you release the throttle? Is that a blow off valve? or is that the trans making a wierd sound?
  6. Okay so i was trying to research this before i made a post on it so here goes. What is the weight of my truck / your truck. All i can find is the rear axle weight and some other stuff that i think i need explained to me. For example, i have a 95 mack rd 350 mechanical single frame, eaton 9 speed, 442 rears, 2 aluminum wheels and 6 steel wheels. I am trying to find out empty weights and how they differ. All i know is that they vary from 14000 to 17000? So how do i find out what that weight was from mack? I think the r model tends to be heavier because of the steel doors and cab right? A guy i work with just got a used EAST trailer with liner in it and he is around 27000 empty. We have the exact same spec'd truck. I weigh 28860 with full fuel and everything at max, with barely anything, i am lucky to achieve an empty weight of 28100 to 28200. The trailer i use is a 1980 fruehauf tub that was rebuilt to be more heavy duty. the inside of the box has more bulk on the sides and i also have a 1/8 inch steel floor from the doghouse to the trailer. it's quite a nice setup as far as being durable. I guess i was just wondering all this because I can see myself driving this truck for quite awhile , and lets say if i put aluminum wheels on my truck and when i was ready to sell my trailer and get a used lightweight with a liner in it, could i be 27000 or less? Or is the R model just TOO heavy because i am an R model guy for life! I hope all of you can give me some insight on this. I don't know why it's so hard to just find a sheet that shows every make of truck and weight it is. Here is a picture of my heavy ass truck
  7. Very nice, what did you wire the lights to to make them hidden?
  8. I remember having 5 reverse speeds, soooo much better than a .442 ratio with just one useable gear , its like being in second gear backing up and thats it
  9. In illiniois is this test required to keep your cdl? i had one and it just expired and i was told you will just get a ticket if you dont have one. I have never even been asked to show it in the first place so i was wondering
  10. That other one with the sloped nose is parked again, it is not mine and i was testing to see if i wanted to buy it from my dad. It is only 200 pounds lighter and isnt as reinforced as the 1980s tub one. That tub one is great!
  11. My dad was telling me the other day that about 20 years ago BEFORE he had a peterbilt, he drove a 69 R model, bought from Cali because it had aluminum everything. With the trailer i STILL pull, he would be at 23500 and haul nearly 25 TONS! It had a 237 in it bought he took it out and had a 300 with a 13spd in it and said it was the best truck he ever had. Damn i wish i could have seen that!
  12. OMG that's insane! I couldn't even find a picture like that on google if i tried. THX!
  13. I'm not going through the aggrivation of polishing this thing! lol I am just going to give it a nice soapy wash instead and hopefully that gray color will come back after awhile
  14. Ok so here is the thing. I had my trailer acid washed and i don't prefer the white color. I am not looking for a blinding shiny trailer going down the road but i think that a mild polish would make it look more gray and better. I need all your opinions if this is even worth my time. probably 100 hours lol. I am going to get the trailer acid washed again today for a final finish though, the first one couldnt get all the old dirt and marks off but did a decent job. I heard that if you just let it get dirty it will get gray again? Here are some pictueres of what we are dealing with here. any advice is appreciated. I am using hoosier polish, wiping it on with a cloth, rubbing it in a few circular motions, then using a buffing ball to make a decent shine, then using a clean terry cloth to remove residue, is how you do it? or for trailers am i best off just getting it painted aluminum / grey? This is just a section i started.
  15. how about keeping the diamond plate half fenders and getting a mack mudflap, im not sure how long it should be with a chrome or stainless steel weight on the bottom. That way it would prevent dirt and dust from kicking up on the fuel and hydro tanks. Any got any pics of this and an estimate on what it would take and what size?
  16. Great work! I knew they were out there somewhere.
  17. Ok, well before i really look into this, i just found out from mack that to get the 3 rib full fenders , mounting brackets and hardware its 1438.49!!! The fenders are made by a company called lifetime and produced for mack, but still why can't i find ANY pictures of this?
  18. Does anyone know where i can look to find any pictures of trucks that has this setup? I have looked at rbauction for old trucks that sold and on here and well you get the picture. I have seen a ton of rd trucks but they all have half fenders in diamond plate, i kinda wanted to ditch that setup for a full black plastic fender. Can anyone help me or give your opinion?
  19. My empty is 27900 with about 5 gallons in the tank, I also have an 1/8 inch steel floor in it too, i still have steel wheels on the tractor and trailer. My thought is whether my truck is a good choice because i see people with older kenworths with c15s and beat up volvos getting 6mpg doing the same thing i am doing. I was going to create a post about this but what is the average number when relating to fuel as an expense vs what you gross at the end of the year? for instance in the aggregate industry hauling stone and dirt you could either make 100k and spend 20k to 30k in fuel. So its either 20 or 30 percent an expense? what is an accurate amount i should expect? Would i get better economy with a different truck (01 mack 460?) or cat c15? Not just those two trucks, tell me based on research what you know. what is the best setup to have? Thanks
  20. I was thinking the same thing about steel trailers, there is local work right next to me where they are expanding rt 59 in naperville and route 30 in montgomery, only a mile from me, the work will be there all year, yet i wont get any of it because i am not minority or whatever bs that is, plus i dont have a steel trailer, im kinda lost on what trailer is better to have, i heard that if you get steel trailers, you never really get teh hourly work you are looking for all the time and have a heavy ass empty weight. Where would i even go? Viking or truck king? Its all confusing me which is why i use a broker. If i do keep the aluminum traillers i think i will keep the new one i just hooked up to because it will have a higher resale value than other trailers out there. Hmmmm. Sorry about the rant, i guess i just felt like getting that out of there
  21. Yeah its a newer trailer but its only 200 pounds lighter and it doesnt seem as practical for my job. The other trailer in the first pics of this topic is a 1980 and it was rebuilt from the ground up 10 years ago. I might hook up to that one again
  22. Is that Red R model Lowered with aftermarket springs yo?
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