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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. Got my new trailer on the other day, now i just have to figure out how i am going to a ladder on the front. I changed my logo by adding more drop shadow and pinstriping and moving the city down lower and unbolding it. What do you think?
  2. was maybe interested but then i saw canada
  3. Does that mean the moose drowned?
  4. You guys are making me feel bad now I just signed up!!!, I couldn't wait another couple weeks for dump truck season to start full throttle and be home at 3-4 everyday to my hot girlfriend, still have time to hit the gym, go for a motorcycle ride , have weekends off and stay up till 9!
  5. Awesome! Post some of your clean RD macks please!
  6. In chicago, It looks pretty rough, but hey its a SUPERLINER RIGHT? I will take my RD over this http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/cto/3664760755.html
  7. I have the wiring kit that comes with everything, i was just trying to think of where to get the wire to go from the passenger battery into the truck. My guess is that if i look in the firewall with the hood open i will find a spot where something can be squeezed in? Will i have to drill a new hole or do you have an idea where the best spot might be? thanks for your quick response. I am going back in the garage to look at it again for now. brb
  8. So i think im just going to look for a spot where it goes through the firewall of the cab and route the power and ground that way. I am going to try hooking it up to the battery directly.
  9. So i bought an 8 inch compact powered sub to be located under the passenger seat. I already know how i am going to run the RCA wires and remote turn on lead. I am having a problem with how i am going to run a power and ground though and make it hidden. My initial thoughts were to use the passenger battery and share the power and ground??? Is there a way to route it into the cab without extra drilling? I hooked my amp for the speakers up to the fuse box constant with an o ring and not sure if i should do the same with this? I also used the cb connections on the side of the dash to run my ground for the amp of my speakers. I figured that all out but how would you guys go about hooking up the subwoofer? Thanks a bunch!
  10. Where did you get the all chrome air cleaner? Is there a non mack one that fits?
  11. Okay so I was stumbling across pictures of people that paint the the air cleaner to match the color of the truck and the straps too. Why do some choose to this vs buying the chrome straps and cap? Also, do i have to buy a cap from mack or does a peterbilt one fit that way i have more choices. Here area couple of pictures i have found to see what your opinions are. Nevermind, i tried posting saved pictures of truckpaper trucks and it comes up blank? Oh well.
  12. Removing that lettering isnt tough, i just use a heatgun to warm up the lettering and start peeling, then use isoproply alcohol and i can pretty much get each door spotless in 30 minutes. the graphic designer got back to me and said hes been busy but will have samples and ideas ready by monday so thats good to hear. I like the way the current black and silver do the trick. I was just thinking it wasnt enough silver and maybe i could make another with about the silver about 20 percent thicker to make it pop more? Others i have talked to said its fine for now. But lets say i COULD get the doors to be bare paint again. What colors would you go with? Even if its not the blue and silver, what other colors go good? Orange and black? Black and orange? silver and black? Also, i have noticed on a few trucks that some people paint the cap on the air cleaner white to match the truck. Mine is currently black and i thought about going with the chrome one from mack for 300 and then getting the chrome straps for 120 a piece. Then i saw a white Rd on truck paper before they put watermarks behind their images and i saved it. It has a white cap and they painted the straps white but they left the rubber of the straps black and i thought it looked alright but after examining other pictures of trucks with the chrome straps and cap, i think it looks better that way to me. Let me try to find a piece. I know some of you have painetd your air cleaner. Was it tough to do and why did you choose to paint it vs just getting the chrome cap and painting the straps.
  13. Should i just leave it all the way it is? Or should i add more silver to it like across the side of the hood to the door or some pin stripes or just so leave it?
  14. Graphic designer never got back to me but i don't really care anymore. Here is what it looks like right now and i think its good enough for now. Give me a minute to post the picture.
  15. What is the part number on that bug guard for that cleveinger blue mack rd?
  16. The R series is Smiling at me
  17. JoyRide!
  18. Two things i notice that stand out on all the R models i have seen. First is that door how you have a bulldog right under the window guard rest and second is the speaker. Was that speaker aftermarket? The grill looks different than mine. It looks to be a good setup to put a 6.5 or 6x9 in. Anyways, i hope you find the new owner of that fine superliner there.
  19. So i have a dump trailer and it has a total of 7 lights. The two on the left are brake lights and then the the three in the middle are running lights that are only on when the lights are on, the two on the right are brake lights too. My question is that if i decide to replace the three running lights in the middle(pigtails are bad) do they have to be red? I have seen some guy before with amber on the back but since it was a light that is not brake related i assumed thats why he did it.
  20. im on my way to a graphic designer 2 miles away and im bringing my old logo and new and seeing what design they come up with , might even get some blue and silver stripes across the hood too
  21. Really? You really sound like you know what you are talking about. So go with a red or purple huh? what made you choose those colors? I don't have that good of an eye for colors that pop or logos or designs
  22. How about gold? The same color used on this truck i found
  23. Where would you put the pinstripe? I just showed my dad and he said the bottom one is what he thinks. This is fun
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