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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. you guys are fast! I wonder if i could get this quick of response in summer time hehe
  2. Did you guys notice on my old truck how the trucking inc was done differently? Almost like it was a flag and left empty in the middle with trucking at the end. The new logo idea doesnt have that , should i try to make the trucking inc the same as the old one? I have decided on that blue with silver already though, thank you
  3. And another thing, would you guys say its best with blue as the main and silver the way it is in the exact color it appears on your screen or change the silver to a chrome?
  4. What do you think of my old truck logo? It had alot of silver in it, my dad did not like how huge it was though, was it a better logo though? I think maybe it only looked good in that pic though is because of the chrome straps and cap on the air cleaner though, that blue would be nicer you think? thanks for all your help so far.
  5. What would ylou change about it? Is it better with more silver or more blue?
  6. Okay so I have a white Rd mack and i am changing the colors of my logo, before it was an ugly royal blue color and thats it, i decided to change it to a more lighter blue and add silver behind it or in front of it, i told the guy to drop the secondary color on it so it would pop more. In my experience of looking at white trucks, that color blue looks best and so does silver, i made the mistake of going with black and now i decided that white trucks look best with silver or chrome. Please help!
  7. I just checked out that site, he really liked the color blue didn't he?
  8. My guess is that the incredible hulk punched it and it was used on the movie set
  9. Now just learn how to hold the camera without shaking
  10. i am just brushing it on, i did it the other day in the garage for touch up spots. i used a heat gun on the spots i was applying it to and the paint was stringy but i made it work. It is now sitting in the house at room temperature and will remain there. You think a bodyshop could restore the paint some?
  11. HAHA that bulldog wetting the kw lol
  12. I got those visors from iowa80 when i visited there. I used number 6 screws and o rings to hold it on. Thanks for the comments guys! I like the lights but during the day i prefer the older lights because of the darker amber color of the lense. These are more of a faint orange but they are still cool looking. I even rotated the lenses so the lights shine horizontal vs vertical. Vertical was too hard on my eyes for some reason.
  13. That is very well said Brad! You are a great guy in my books.
  14. I got the new led lights mounted and added a grill to it too
  15. Thank you , umodelnut, do you think its overkill to do a gloss paint though or just leave it at flat black? its gloss right now
  16. Anyone interested in this? http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/cto/3621198787.html
  17. Look what i found for you guys here on bmt, http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/cto/3618802364.html
  18. Well, im not sure yet, i have a ton of pictures of my truck with the vent open all the time and it looks nice white but i thought it might look better black because its kinda just hidden white. I did find a picture of someone that had a red rd with it painted black and i thought it looked nice. Btw, what is that part even called? All i know is that its controlled by air and its a vent just before the windshield.
  19. ok so here is what it looks like in the garage without the vent open Good and negative comments are welcome. Remember, i have the paint color to repaint it to match again so its no big deal
  20. WOW
  21. So i was wondering how it would look. I was bored in the garage and decided to paint mine gloss black. i used primer paint first and then the black. my truck is white so i figured it would look neat. I can always paint it back to white but i figured since it is flipped up most of the time and the light housing on the truck and other things are black why not paint it black. Has anyone done this or was this a bad idea?
  22. That looks really nice and clean!
  23. After careful observation i decided that the orange that comes on the LED lights is too ugly looking (its more of a faint orange vs the oem dark orange) Soooooooooo, i ordered the oem style with the chrome on it! Geez i must just love wasting money. But that faint orange looks bad on white, in the garage and behind the wheel it looked okay, but once i got out and fueled up and looked at it from a distance from both angles i said ( this is ugly, called mack up and found out they make a chrome oem one and another 150 dollars and its on its way lol
  24. I just took them off and painted them gloss black. They look great!
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