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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. I thought about just painting it some sort of bright aluminum color. anyone done this? anything is better than that black
  2. So i went to place an order for the chrome headlamp trim and they said they would check on it and call me back in a few hours. They no longer make it! So what do i do now? Take them off and take them to a chrome shop and have them dipped?
  3. So i went in the garage which hasnt dropped below 40 degrees as far as i know. I have my touch up paint for the mack in there from when i bought the truck. I used it last year and it matched perfectly (hood only lol) So i go to use it yesterday to touch things up. used a heat gun on the truck to get things just right. I open up the can and its completly gelled up i can't even get a stick to go through it. so i used a heat gun on it and nothing happened. So i leave it in room temp all night and today i go to open it up and still the same. I go to farm and fleet to see what can be done and even called a few guys that know about paint and they said im screwed. I refused to believe it! I then thought that the only way i was going to be able to do this was to get some touch up paint (they had tefetta white, super white and frost white) i was showing the guys my old paint stains on the can to match up. they said are you sure the paint is completly solid? i said yeah watch. So i stuck my finger on it and got a few inches down then BINGO, it punctured and beautiful white paint started oozing out!!! So i get it home and put on my gloves and used a paint stirrer and got the gelled up top layer off and i got PAINT AGAIN!. It is still a little stringy but im still happy with it. Can i still go to any paint place and ask if they can shake it up for me or do i have to go to auto body shop and see what they can do? Any help would be appreciated!
  4. That looks crazy! It looks like the rear of a trailer with mudflaps mounted onto an R with the original R headlamps tilted vertical!!!
  5. Ryan, did you notice a difference in fuel economy on the mechanical vs the computerized?
  6. I just went out to the garage and finished it all up. Turned the key, had the buzzer going for about 10 minutes but i didnt care, i was playing around with the new stereo and wow what a difference. I can actually tell its all amplified and that there is bass in there. Not a subwoofer type bass but more of a reverb and having the speakers right where i mounted them is perfect. I can fade the rear speakers to the right 4-5 notches then fade to the rear 2-3 and its perfect for where i am sitting. The loudness feature does even better. I think the stereo volume goes to 35 but at 26 its really loud but no distortion. Bass doesn't pop or distort when turned up too loud, tI would have to say i am pretty happy with it
  7. I havent tested it out yet. It has just been sitting in the garage and as soon as i turn the key on i get to hear a loud low air pressure buzzer going off
  8. Here is the finished product! She's ready to be mounted in this picture. I had my woman help hold it up while i got the first few screws in there
  9. yeah i was wondering what to do with that. there is a plastic piece that came on there stock with a bolt or nut that went through there but it broke off when i took the stock radio out. my new radio that im installing has a bracket on the back of it. i thought of once i slide the radio in it will not move or bounce around. my last one didnt, however there is some weight on the back of it so i was going to stuff some weather stripping behind to lift it up a little. That stuff wont catch on fire from heat of a head unit right? I'm about to start marking off getting ready to cut (yikes)
  10. that is the final view of how things are going to be mounted for the sake of keeping the weight balanced. I don't know where else to put the speakers other than the headliner. Any ideas???
  11. So i got a kenwood excelon head unit so far and the other thing i got was an alpine ktp 445. It basically is an amp that makes the speakers get at least 45 w rms. I still have to find a good 15-30amp spot to hook up the yellow wire that comes off the ktp and i still need to search for a ground. After talking to Superdog today he gave me the idea of getting 3.5 to 4 inch speakers in there in the front (my truck only came with rears) I went and got some 3.5 inch polks that put out 35 w rms and 105peak. Great little speakers! So then i put the head unit in and the ktp and did a test fit where the speaker might fit. I kept in mind that when the sunvisor is flipped up it is about 5 3/4 inches and there is just barely enough room to mount these speakers. Good thing i didnt go with 4x6. After careful observation i realized it would be too tight and the magnet would too close to the headunit so i scratched that idea. So here is my new idea. Here are pictures to show you guys where i am thinking of making cuts with the dremel tool. I hope it works! It did not come with a template so i am just going to draw a circle around the speaker and make my own .
  12. I came up with an idea got it working the way i want to now. Just had to snip a few wires in the led terminals
  13. i thought it looked like the gear shifter in my dads big block 70 z28 lol
  14. Could you show me what this bottom brow thing is you are referring to? i am thinking of getting some tape that has a film on it that gives it a smoke look. Any ideas?
  15. Its been online for almost a year now. I don't even know what kind of gear shifter that is .
  16. So i just installed LED turn signals on the Rd today. They work great but they are very bright when viewing them from in the cab. My old lights were not lit up when the parking lights were on , just the sides were and when you went to use the turn signal it all would light up and flash. Now they stay on and light up and when you use the turn signal they get brighter. Would Red facing me have been dimmer? Is there a sort of film or tape that automotive stores make that i can use to give it more of a smoke effect?
  17. That is hillarious!
  18. spanyellow??? if you say that name thats how its pronoucned and look you get a yellow truck!
  19. Lets see some more!!!
  20. I love how you give a description and history of each truck like its a member of the family
  21. I just looked at your 84 superliner. She is a bute (beauty) I see how they mount now.
  22. With them on, can i still open the side windows to get some air in, does it reduce air flow,or does it completely eliminate it? How do they mount?
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