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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. Well, i guess i didn't clarify that i wasn't looking for fast and furious type of trucks but mainly something that took some craft or skill to come up with whether it being speakers or a neat paint job to accent the body lines. You guys are always funny though thats why i love the this site!
  2. Lets start a thread here to show what you have done to your R that sets it apart from your everyday truck. Has anyone actually upgraded their speakers from the stock 5 1/4 inch speakers to a 6 1/2 inch and if so how did you do it? Has anyone ever thought of mounting a 6 1/2 or any size speaker just under the vent latch on the plastic headliner for some extra bass? These are my next projects i am thinking of if anyone has any guidance. And of course, if you have any pictures of your trucks whether it be exterior upgrades or interior upgrades we would all love to see them! Here is one i found to get it started,
  3. Does any 1 have these installed? I think they would look neat. I currently have the rain guards installed already. I can't find very many pictures of people that have them either. http://www.jpchrome.com/Tools/Portfolio/frontend/item.asp?type=0&size=0&lngDisplay=9&jPageNumber=16&strMetaTag=
  4. I would say if you are already thinking you want to change this or that and it doesn't even have power steering i would keep searching.
  5. Spring (camelback) with a great seat
  6. You should also let your grandson view this post you created so he can experience what you had to go through and see everyones reaction. You had the right intuition all along though. Sorry to hear about your loss but there will be light at the end of the tunnell.
  7. i know e7 350 makes 24-32psi under load (with a load on)
  8. Ease into the throttle between shifts and then after a few seconds mash it down. This will eliminate black smoke which i am guessing is caused because you removed the puff limiter. You can still get good power if not better if you ease into each shift then slowly push the pedal down then ease into full throttle. I drove my old 89 R with e6-300 twin stick this way. It blew black smoke instantly when mashing the throttle so i drove with that method and kept up with all the other trucks. I hope this helps
  9. I Love my E7 350 Fully Mechanical
  10. It should only be tapped into the intercooler piping just before the turbo. If it is plumbed into the intake manifold it would be bouncy within 5 psi but that doesn't seem like your problem based on what you described
  11. Ever heard of that company that makes the armidillo ones? I saw a ratty looking blue rd with a blue bugshield on today and i didnt like it, I would like to see some pictures if you have them please
  12. Hmm, that is pretty low, Lmack is right though. Your boost should be higher and im surpised it is even able to pull anything. Where is the boost gauge hooked up? With boost that low i wouldnt see it even being able to get past 45-50mph
  13. That white one actually looks good with the black tanks on it
  14. My buddy got something for christmas that i must have! it is a pourer that is used as a decanter. It is a bulldog, chrome too, has a rod through the dog, and holes out of the eyes and liquid comes out as you pour it !!!
  15. did you have to use a dremel tool at all?
  16. kudos to chrome depot for shipping the stuf already. they just got here and i ordered yesterday at 1 lol. Thats A+ service in my book. Well i got the covers and only a few fit just right. I see what you were all talking about how i need to trim some down. The one for oil pressure is a great fit, the two others next to it on the left panel (water and volts are just a smidge bigger than the covers itself. So is there where i get silicone and put a dab on the inside in a few spots and it will just stick? The tach and speedo fit okay but seem that if i hit a bump they will want to start popping out. Did you guys use silicone for those two gauges too? where the fuel is on the top and the air pressure just below it is a tough one because its a tight squeeze, the gauge below fits perfect but then no room for the fuel gauge ( cut some off of the fuel gauge cover?) the boost gauge doesnt have a lip to even get the cover to fit so ill need silicone for that. What kind of silicone are you all talking about? i have a farm and fleet 1 mile from me. Any help would be great ! Thanks
  17. How about if people can post pictures of your truck with a bug shield on it and list what one it is.
  18. I got a question about the controls on the r model for heat and ac. When everything is off it makes a faint hissing air noise the whole time, the only way i can get it to be quiet is to shut everything off but have it on defrost mode but then the hood scoop pops up and has to stay up. when i use the heat controls for vent and heat i get the hissing noise that is faint. When i use a/c though the sound is gone. What part can cause this?
  19. I agree, i was just looking at the turn signals and thought it was gonna look Pepboyish lol.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG6lA37XMtA I think the circular ones are kinda cool now that i look of them. I just wish somebody already had pictures of them mounted. welcome to the world of macks lol
  21. Well, i still havent gone to bed yet lol. What does everyone think of the square led turn signals but with the circular light shape around it? i have been watching a video of it and i thought it might be cool because i really liked circular lights on my old R and since those don't fit i figure it would still show a round look encased in the light. Ever seen that?
  22. Ok, so i decided to go on truck paper and look at examples of other peoples turn signals are mounted on a rd 688s even models that were the newest at 2003 had turn signals amber both ways. In fact i had a hard time finding red toward the back on any of them. I'm not starting an argument but i don't know why people say they have never seen it that way. Anyways, everyone have a good night .
  23. Hmm, maybe mine were changed at one point. Well, regardless, i ordered the all amber Led ones
  24. im talking about on the same turn signal, where it has two faces but is still in the front of the cab. I'm not even sure anymore lol. The turn signals that are stock on our trucks are double faced with amber to begin with. Has the law changed? I couldn't imagine if it is LED that the law changes when the signal is still mounted in the same place as the old one
  25. its a must if its to the rear of the vehicle but not for turn signals located where the stud is on the hood
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