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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. Thank you for the kind comments. This is me taking it to 1600 in the low gears and then around 6-7 gear i take it to 1700. I feel that's the best way to get good fuel ecomony. So i was at a party last night and there was a guy there that works for john deere and is really smart about deisels and trucks in general and i showed him my video and told him all the things i've done to the truck up until now, new injectors, pump rebuild, valve lash and bridges adjusted. he said it could be a motor mount just like you said, but there really isnt no way to tell, harmonic balancer he said usually when they go bad, they just go real bad they dont do what mine is doing but there is a chance. he said he would have the valves redone which is me having to pull the head off and it sounds like a lot of time and money, should do a camshaft while i am at it. Is there anyone that has actually done this and found a sticky valve, replaced valves and rockers and all that technical stuff and then problem fixed? What about a mack reman head? Has anyone done that? I see there are some pretty smart guys on here that seem to all have it in their interest to point me in the right direction Thank you for all your help so far guys!
  2. That looks awesome! How much does it cost to do all that? My truck is white and i always that white color that has some cream look to it, you see it mostly at car shows. Is it cheaper to just enhance a white color or do you have to basicallyl start from scratch like it is any new color. I hope i'm not taking away from your post though (jealous)
  3. My truck doesn't have a jake brake and as far as the oil pressure goes it is normal. It goes close to 60 when being worked. 15-18 at idle when hot. The specs are to be 33-62 when working it on hot oil. I thought it seemed low when i first got the truck but others with Rd s have the same outcome. It's because mack got rid of the high volume pumps because people were going through oil bearings too fast. I'm not an expert though, but that is just what i was told. I am going to start it today and do a grease job (lucky me) i will start by looking at that balancer thing and also revving it with the clutch pushed all the way down. any other ideas would be great!
  4. I'm really starting to think it is the harmonic balancer, its just that no one ever suggested that. I have a guy that works with me and he has a 01 427 and complained that he had a bad harmonic balancer and described it to me as just getting louder as the rpms went up and more vibration It was enough to make it annoying for him.. He said it helps keep it quiet. I don't have that problem i just have that shake as i was demonstrating and i think i almost have as much power as his 427. On that same pull in my video i asked him to track his speed and he got to 50 by a certain spot and i got to 48-49 and another guy with a Freightshaker 350 got 42 lol
  5. A video of the R from today. Loaded at 72000.
  6. Not necessarily dry but not as much oil on the valves that should of been there. Thats the only reason he suggested maybe valve guides after i told him it still has a slight miss even after i rebuilt the pump . You guys are really helpful
  7. Here is another video from today. It's just to show you i think the truck is making power, maybe you will hear the miss maybe you wont. That shake at that rpm band annoys me though, its only in the 3rd and 4th gear loaded is when its most noticeable. Give me your expert opinion if it seems like a good runner.
  8. Yeah we tried that before i took the pump in, it would run colder on cylinder #6 i havent tested the temps out yet. But my mack mechanic was over at my shop and came to the conclusion it was a bad pump, we also did a valve lash adjustment and bridges proper and he noticed that when he removed the valve cover, it looked a little dry so he thinks i might need a new head or i have a valve or two not opening or closing properly. So are you saying to check the balancer? You arent talking about a harmonic balancer are you? What exactly does the balancer do?
  9. K I will try that tomorrow
  10. Rebuilt from midwest injection 3 months ago
  11. That could be causing that? Im surprised my mechanic never thought of that. Hmmm
  12. Thanks for all the help so far guys. Keep it coming. Also could someone let me know If my truck has a balancer for sure or not? The head needing new valve seals wouldnt cause that?
  13. How do I check that? Is it a big job?
  14. I never thought that I might be related to exhaust but i guess its possible
  15. 95 rd e7 350 mechanical. 359000 miles
  16. No there is no smoke at all
  17. I made a video today to show you all what is going on. I just had my pump rebuilt too. There is something that still doesnt seem right . The truck makes good power but there is still some shake going on that is noticed around 1100 to 1300 rpm. The video will explain it all. Please let me know what you think.
  18. Dammit im going to be thinking about mismatched dogs now lol. I never did notice that before. Also what did you mean about the stick ons for the cab hangers. You mean to cover the holes on the bumper?
  19. Mike the truck pictured with the western hood was my old truck. Nothing wrong with it. Just decided to try another business and when i got back in, knew i wanted an R and not a CH. Not sure why i didnt want air ride but thats what i chose. The older one had a smaller engine and blew black if i hammered it. I had it perfected to whenever i shifted i would ease into the throttle and then after 3 seconds floor it, and it would get no smoke. It was a 300 horse E6 4V. Redlined at 2300 Current one goes to 1800 and makes 31 psi
  20. Yeah i want that challenge. I like to make mine clean looking with a few touches. Brad i saw yours and I'm not at that caliber yet but i welcome any opinions for help. Heck i still need to swap out the daytons for some aluminums
  21. Yes they are. The one i currently haul with is from 1980 and my dad bought for 3000 in year 2000 and had it rebuilt completly for around 20000, i bought the trailer 3 years ago, it still has the original floor and i put an 1/8 inch steel floor in it
  22. No it was a farmers truck and it sat in his barn for 3 years, which is why i had to do a ton of repairs and maintenance this year but its all good. Here is a pic of when i first got it this july
  23. Ask you shall receive lol I even made a video of it in the shop that day
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